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HEALTH AND PUBLIC SAFETY <br />The May 12, 2008 meeting of the Health and Public Safety Committee of the South Bend <br />Common Council was called to order by its Chairperson, Councilmember Karen White at 4:31 <br />p.m. in the Council's Informal Meeting Room. <br />Committee Members present: Karen L. White, Chairperson, Ann Puzzello, Vice, Chairperson, <br />Derek D. Dieter, Member <br />Council Members Present: Oliver Davis, David Varner, Tim Rouse, Tom LaFountain, AI "Buddy" <br />Kirsits <br />Persons in attendance included: Phil St. Clair, John Martinez, Mayor Steve Luecke, Catherine <br />Fanello, Jamie Loo, Donald Brubaker, Citizen Member, Pam Brunette, Citizen Member, Kathleen <br />Cekanski-Farrand, Council Attorney, John Voorde, City Clerk. <br />UPDATES: <br />Park Department -Mowing 2008 <br />2. Code Enforcement -Hand-held data devices <br />Chairperson White began the meeting noting that the Code Enforcement Department had asked <br />their update be rescheduled. The update from the Park Department on the 2008 mowing <br />program followed. <br />Phil St. Clair, Superintendent of the Park Department explained that the department was going to <br />do all the mowing and cleaning of debris from lots this year. Last year some of this work was <br />contracted and some was done by Neighborhood Code Enforcement. Consolidated mowing was <br />now to be managed by John Martinez who manages 7 temporary or seasonal workers who serve <br />full-time from April 1 to November 1. Detailing the mowing program, Martinez indicated he was <br />responsible for mowing 348 parcels or 236 from code mostly vacant lots and 112 owned by the <br />city. Also Neighborhood Code Enforcement had initiated 7,800 work orders from citations. This <br />consolidated, coordinated effort was to complete their tasks on a 3 week mowing cycle. The <br />Mayor added that this consolidated program was designed to be both more responsive and more <br />efficient than the divided responsibilities of the past. Councilmember's Oliver Davis and Derek <br />Dieter expressed concern about adequately funding the program. The Mayor said it was a <br />$261,000 program. St. Clair added that amount appeared to be adequate. <br />There being no further business to come before the Committee, Council Member White <br />adjourned the meeting at 4:48 p.m. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />Karen L. White, Chairperson <br />Health and Public Safety Committee <br />