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COMMUNITY 8~ ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE <br />The May 27, 2008 meeting of the Community and Economic Development Committee of the <br />South Bend Common Council was called to order by Ann Puzzello, Member, at 3:30 p.m. in the <br />Council's Informal Meeting Room. <br />Committee Members present, Derek D. Dieter, Chairperson, (late); Ann Puzzello, Member; Karen <br />White, Member, Catherine Andres, Citizen Member <br />Persons in attendance included Council Member's Kirsits and LaFountain. Others in attendance <br />included John Sellers, Steve Luecke, Rita Kopala, Martha Lewis, Gary Gilot, Pam Meyer, Don <br />Inks, Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand, Catherine Fanello, Karen White, Beth Leonard, Jamie Loo, Carl <br />Littrell, Tim Sexton, Marti Murphy <br />BILL NO.27-08 <br />In Chairman Dieter's absence the CED Committee Meeting was chaired by Council Member Ann <br />Puzzello. Also attending were committee members Council Member White, and Citizen Member <br />Catherine Andres. Together the 3 members constituted a quorum. Bill No. 27-08, as described <br />by Beth Leonard who was subbing for Ann Kolata, was a request to appropriate $1,000,000 from <br />the Industrial Development Fund, fund #434, to repay a Sec. 108 loan for the Studebaker/Oliver <br />project. This procedure she described is a requirement found in state law, specifically I.C. 36-7- <br />13-5. Mayor Luecke then requested the Council's approval. On a motion by Council Member <br />White, seconded by Catherine Andres the bill was recommended to Council favorably. <br />BILL NO. 28-08 <br />Council Member Puuello acting as Chairperson introduced John Sellers of the Community and <br />Economic Development Department to make the presentation. He explained this request was for <br />an appropriation of $178,320 from the HUD Shelter Plus Care program, reflecting HUD's priority <br />to address homelessness for the severely mentally ill. The funds, were to be funneled through <br />Madison Center which was assuring a continuum of care for these clients. Councilmember <br />Rouse asked J. Sellers the scope of the problem as in number of clients but the answer as to <br />numbers was unavailable. On a motion by Council Member White, seconded by Catherine <br />Andres the bill was recommended favorable to Council. Chairperson Dieter, now present, <br />assumed the chair. <br />There being no further business to come before the Committee, Chairperson Derek D. Dieter <br />adjourned the meeting at 3:36 p.m. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />Derek D. Dieter, Chairperson <br />Community and Economic Development Committee <br />