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completed by August.Jim Kelly,Vice-Chair of the Task Force, also reported on the Task Force.To <br /> date the Task Force developed a model to efficiently identify houses for demolition as well as for <br /> rehabilitation.The Task force held several public hearings throughout the city. Questions were <br /> asked of the objectivity of the scoring system for demo/rehab.The first steps are to demolish <br /> those houses beyond rehabilitation. Establishing a land bank system to deal with and move <br /> those homes that can be rehabilitation will enable the city to a receivership that can turn the <br /> properties around.As of the writing of this report,the Task Force has not released the final <br /> report. <br /> • The final meeting of the Residential Neighborhoods Committee was in November to hear an up- <br /> date on Court Yard Place.Since the last hearing on CYP, it is in receivership,security has been <br /> doubled and calls for service have dropped by 75%. While it is still a safety issue the receiver <br /> continues to make improvements.The Council will take a "wait-and-see" approach while a new <br /> owner steps forward. <br /> I would like to thank our Citizen Members, Ken Bradford and Jennifer Tindell for their participation on <br /> this committee. Both were two of many that applied for the committee.Citizen involvement is what <br /> makes our government stronger and transparent for all. I also want to thank my Council colleagues for <br /> their input and guidance during this first year.Thank you to Kathy Cekanski-Farrand,John Voorde, Mary <br /> Beth Wisniewski and Janice Talboom for their support.Thank you to all the City Department heads and <br /> personnel that came and contributed to this committee and for sharing their acknowledgement and <br /> experience so we can be informed and make the best decisions for the all within the City of South Bend. <br /> Thank you. <br /> Respectfully Submitted, <br /> Tim Scott <br /> Residential Neighborhoods Committee Chairperson <br /> 1St District Council Member <br /> Flied In ww ' Y Offi Office <br /> DEC 102012 <br /> JOHN FVOOHOE <br /> CITY CLERK,$oR rr END,IN <br />