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PERSONNEL & FINANCE COMMITTEE NOVEMBER 26,2012 <br /> HEALTH & PUBLIC SAFETY <br /> 4:16 P.M. <br /> P &F Committee Members Present: Karen White, Gavin Ferlic, David Varner, <br /> Henry Davis, <br /> Citizen Members: Tamara McNally <br /> HPS Committee Members Present: Dr. Fred Ferlic, Henry Davis, Karen White, <br /> Tim Scott <br /> Citizen Members Present: Kyle Chamberlin <br /> Other Council Members Present: Derek Dieter, Valerie Schey, Oliver Davis <br /> Others Present: John Murphy, Chief Cox, SBFD, <br /> Mayor Pete Buttigieg, Mark Neal, <br /> Scott Ford <br /> Agenda: Bill No. 62-12 Ambulance/Medical Fees <br /> Update—Taxicabs <br /> The issue before the joint committee hearing of the Personnel &Finance and Health& <br /> Public Safety Committees was embodied in Bill No. 62-12 H &PS Dr. Fred Ferlic <br /> chaired the bill's review presented by South Bend Fire Chief Steve Cox. The Chief <br /> explained that Medicare adjusts the allowable reimbursement for medical and ambulance <br /> fees on an annual basis. Because the fees charged users of their services have not been <br /> adjusted since 2008 the City was in effect leaving money"on the table." In other words, <br /> not taking the allowable reimbursement. These fees are accounted for in the City Fund <br /> #288 which was set up in the 1980's as a dedicated fund for fire dept. capital expenses. <br /> Revenues deposited annually in the fund average about $2.5 million. In that expenses <br /> historically are less than revenues, another part of the bill would allow up to a million <br /> dollars be drawn of by the City for other purposes. Chief Cox assured Councilmembers <br /> that the$1.5 million would comfortably cover anticipated capital costs. Valerie Schey <br /> asked a couple of clarification questions. Henry Davis cautioned against short changing <br /> the fire department Citizen Member Tamara McNally asked if a bill could include an <br /> automatic escalator clause to coincide with Medicare allowances. Council Attorney <br /> Kathy Cekanski-Farrand allowed that she was working on that provision which is <br /> possible would come before Council in another bill. <br /> Ultimately Gavin Ferlic motioned the bill go to full Council favorably including the <br /> move to $1,000,000 as a maximum amount available to be drawn down by the City. <br /> David Varner seconded and all concurred. <br />