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UTILITIES SEPTEMBER 8, 2012 <br /> Committee Members Present: Tim Scott, Valerie Schey, Oliver Davis, <br /> Karen White <br /> Citizens Members: Chris Sopczynski, Dawn Pontius <br /> Other Council Members: Henry Davis, Dr. Ferlic, Dr. Varner, Gavin Ferlic <br /> Derek Dieter <br /> Other Members: Kathryn Roos, John Burke, Gary Gilot Phil Faccenda <br /> Agenda: Bill No. 52-12—Sewage Works Bonds <br /> Bill No. 53-12—Water Works Bonds <br /> Energy Update—Jon Burke <br /> Three agenda items were discussed at Chairperson Tim Scott's Utilities Committee <br /> hearing. The first two Bill Nos. 52-12 & 53-12 were for the issuance and sale of water <br /> and sewage works bonds. For purposes of public hearing Chairperson Scott allowed a <br /> combined presentation. Phil Faccenda from Barnes &Thornburg addressed the purpose <br /> and mechanics of the proposed bonds while Gary Gilot Director of Public Works <br /> described the reasons behind the request for issuance. He said the storm/sewage <br /> separation project mandated by the EPA was proceeding a pace successfully. He added <br /> every effort was being made to find efficiencies and green solutions to this next set of a <br /> series of bonds and resultant rate adjustments previously approved by Council. This <br /> particular issue was not to exceed $25 million. Ultimately after clarifying questions <br /> Oliver Davis motioned 52-12 got to Council favorably. Karen White seconded and all <br /> approved. <br /> Bill No. 53-12 was characterized as a refinance of earlier bond issues allowing the City to <br /> enjoy an interest rate reduction of near 2% from an original issuance rate of 5%to an <br /> expected 3%. Finally, Oliver Davis motioned a favorable recommendation which Valerie <br /> Schey seconded receiving support from all. <br /> The other topic on the agenda was an update on what the City was doing to find energy <br /> efficiencies. This presentation was made by John Burke who heads the City's energy <br /> office. Mr. Burke described efforts made to date as well as proposed initiatives all <br /> detailed in a handout for the Council attached to these minutes. Council discussion <br /> followed during which Oliver Davis suggested teaming with Transpo to take advantage <br /> of possible economies of scale in particular,relating to full costs. Henry Davis suggested <br /> the school corporation be collaborated with as well. David Varner advised a close look at <br /> the financial considerations of a public/private approach to the investment in a CNG <br /> fueling station. <br /> After additional Q &A, Tim Scott adjourned at 4:34. <br />