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2012 Zoning and Annexation Committee Annual Report <br /> Page 2 <br /> Serious concerns were addressed in a joint meeting held in conjunction with the Dr. Fred Ferlic's Health and <br /> Public Safety Committee on the property located at 5024 Western. The health and safety of the migrant <br /> workers and their family were addressed with short-term solutions being implemented. The need for pro- <br /> active long-term solutions in this area with the collaboration of the Council, City Administration and other <br /> stakeholders such as the Institute for Latino Studies and Social Concerns, the Farm Bureau, the Purdue <br /> Extension and other concerned citizens were recommended to be developed. Fair and sound solutions in this <br /> area should be a priority in the new year. <br /> Other Significant Highlights: <br /> • Win-Win Solution Reached on Walmart's Compliance With Zoning Special Exception <br /> In October, concerns were brought to the Council's attention by residents related to the Wal-Mart located at <br /> 700 West Ireland. The Common Council had approved a special exception for this location on June 13, <br /> 2011, which included a "Plan of Operation" addressing the selling of firearms. Compliance required among <br /> other things that all guns and ammunition be stored in locked display cases, other than shotgun shells; that <br /> there be motion sensing video surveillance system monitors; and compliance with additional public safety <br /> items. A joint conference call between myself, our Council Attorney, the attorney for Wal-Mart who <br /> represented them at the June 13, 2011 hearing, Wal-Mart's Senior Manager and ATF Compliance Senior <br /> Director resulted in an amicable resolution. As a result of these discussions, all concerns were addressed in a <br /> very timely manner. The prompt resolution of the public safety concerns and seeking immediate compliance <br /> with the "Plan of Operation" showed that good communication and leadership resulted in positive results. <br /> • Combining Zoning Requests with Special Exception Requests <br /> Working with the Area Plan Staff, and as now authorized by Indiana state law, owners of property who are <br /> requesting both a zoning change and a special exception may petition for such requests in one (1) proposed <br /> ordinance. A "Petition for Combined Hearing" must be properly filed by the petitioner with legal notice to <br /> all property owners within three hundred feet(300') of the subject property. <br /> There have been limited filings of this kind to date, but overall the process has gone fairly smoothly. The <br /> major concern involves the deadlines established by state law — with the Special Exceptions required to be <br /> acted upon within a sixty (60) day period and the rezoning required to be acted upon with a ninety (90) day <br /> period from the date of receiving certification of action by the Area Plan Commission. <br /> • New Items for Committee Consideration <br /> Mr. John W. Byorni, Executive Director of Area Plan will be discussing with the Zoning and Annexation <br /> Committee two (2) items of interest. The first involves a lawsuit recently lost by the City involving the <br /> requirement that a security bond to be posted for a cell tower. As a result of that decision, proposed <br /> amendatory language to the zoning code will need to be discussed. The second item will address the time <br /> frame requirements for the development of a Planned Unit Development (PUD). <br /> Zoning Procedures Brochure: <br /> This year the Committee did not utilize a brochure addressing various zoning procedures. The brochure had <br /> been an effective tool, especially for the public in the past, so that there was an awareness of the each of the <br />