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April 28, 2008 Page #2 of 2 <br />A workforce of 10 would include 2 new jobs. David Morgan of the ad agency Force 5 which will <br />occupy the space was present to answer any questions. <br />In that Councilmember Henry Davis, CED Committee Member, was now present, a favorable <br />recommendation to Council was able to be given with Councilmember Ann Puzzello's motion and <br />Councilmember Henry Davis' second. <br />BILL N0.08-39 -Site assessment and site remediation grant authorization. <br />Ann Kolata of the Community & Economic Development Department made a request of the <br />Council asking authorization to apply to the Indiana Finance Authority for two grants. The first <br />grant in the amount of $27,319 is for environmental site assessment of 2901 S. Main formerly <br />Centennial Steel. The other grant not to exceed $165,000 is for environmental remediation at <br />Green Tech Park. Both grants are for environmental projects eligible under the state's Indiana <br />Brownfield's program. Councilmember Oliver Davis spoke in support of the applications. On <br />Councilmember Ann Puzzello's motion and Councilmember Henry Davis' second the bill received <br />a favorable recommendation to full Council. <br />MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS <br />Chairperson Dieter asked Don Inks to report on compliance issues relative to post abatement <br />reporting by firms granted abatements subject to certain criteria. Don Inks reported A.J. Wright <br />was not in compliance with their promised performance criteria, namely job creation. <br />Originally promising 600-700 new jobs A.J. Wright was at only 313 as of April 7, 2008. Per prior <br />agreement, they were assessed $460.00 for each job under the promised amount. A. J. Wright <br />paid the city $127,000 for 2007. They anticipate as many as 460 total jobs by the end of 2008. <br />These terms were negotiated by the Economic Development Department without prior or <br />subsequent notice to the Council admitted Inks when questioned by Councilmember David <br />Varner. Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand spoke to the need for better communication to the Council in <br />that the Council has surrendered no rights or control of abatement terms and conditions. <br />Councilmember Varner also asked where the $127,000 penalty went. Don Inks replied these <br />types of payments go to the TIF Fund. <br />There being no further business to come before the Committee, Chairperson Derek D. Dieter <br />adjourned the meeting at 4:10 p.m. <br />espectf S mitted <br />Derek D. Dieter, Chairperson <br />Community and Economic Development Committee <br />