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PUBLIC WORKS AND PROPERTY VACATION COMMITTEE <br /> OCTOBER 22, 2012 6:03 P.M. <br /> Committee Members Present: Dr. David Varner, Oliver Davis, Gavin Ferlic, <br /> Valerie Schey <br /> Other Council Present: Tim Scott, Henry Davis Jr., Dr. Fred Ferlic, <br /> Derek Dieter, Karen White <br /> Others Present: Murray Miller, Glenn Williams, Bob Williams, Mike Mecham, <br /> Gary Gilot <br /> Agenda: Bill No. 12-79—MBE/WBE Curbs & Sidewalks <br /> Update Olive/Sample (Jasinski) Overpass <br /> There were two items on the agenda for Dr. Varner's Public Works and Property <br /> Vacation Committee. <br /> The first was a resolution encouraging the administration to use Minority and Women <br /> owned contractors for the City's residential curb & sidewalk when the work is to be done <br /> by private contractors. <br /> Ultimately, this bill was continued until the November 12, 2012 meeting on a motion by <br /> Valerie Schey, seconded by Gavin Ferlic and supported by all. The reason for this was <br /> primarily because the WBE/MBE Board of Directors had promised a progress report on <br /> their activities by then. The bill itself, initiated by Councilmember Henry Davis <br /> advocates more city work being made available to those contractors who face challenges <br /> due to size and where—withal when trying to compete against the"big guys." As a side <br /> not Gary Gilot said he was working on an approach to do just that. <br /> The second item, an update on a re-construction plan for the Olive Street overpass. <br /> Using a handout (attached)both Gary Gilot and City Engineer Mike Mecham spoke to <br /> the need to have the overpass re-designed and re-built. While normally a County <br /> responsibility the City according to the scheme would participate along with the state and <br /> federal government to leverage their dollars. The County, they said, did not have the <br /> capability of taking on this project alone. Further updates were promised. <br /> There being no further business to come before the Personnel &Finance Committee at <br /> this time, Chairperson Dr. David Varner adjourned the meeting at 3:52 p.m. <br /> Rep lly Submitted. <br /> Dr. David Varner, Chairperson <br /> Public Works and Property Vacation Committee <br />