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David Varner moved to send the amended Bill No. 43-12 favorably. Gavin Ferlic <br /> seconded and all supported. <br /> The final budget Bill No. 44-12 dealt with the enterprise or utility funded budgets. This <br /> budget proved to be the least controversial of all. In large part this was due to the fact <br /> that the bill did not deport from a multi-year rate and capital improvement plan approved <br /> by the Council last year. After minimal discussion Gavin Ferlic motioned to send <br /> favorably. David Varner seconded and all supported. <br /> The final two bills on the agenda were 54-12, the salary bill for non-bargaining <br /> employees and Bill No. 57-12, the two year contract recently ratified by the SBFD union. <br /> Mark Neal explained the salary increase of 2% for 2013 for all non-bargaining employees <br /> was affordable due to savings found in the 2012 budget. The amended version presented <br /> incorporated Council recommendations earlier stated. With these changes Dr. David <br /> Varner motioned the substitute bill be sent favorably. Gavin Ferlic seconded and all <br /> affirmed. <br /> The 2 year firefighters compensation Bill No. 57-12 was presented by Kathy Cekanski- <br /> Farrand who acted as the Council's Chief Negotiator with the FD resulting in a 2 year <br /> ratified agreement. Henry Davis followed by Gavin Ferlic motioned favorably and were <br /> supported by all. <br /> There being no further business to come before the Personnel &Finance Committee at <br /> this time, Chairperson White adjourned the meeting at 5:36 p.m. <br /> Respectfully Submitted, <br /> Gam <br /> Karen L. White, Chairperson <br /> Personnel &Finance Committee <br />