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Human Rights was next. HR Director Lonnie Douglas had asked for additional clerical <br /> support when he presented his department budget. Mr. Douglas was pleased with the <br /> Controller's offer to fund 1000 hrs of support. Before accepting the compromise the <br /> Council urged the administration to seek supplemental funding from Mishawaka. Mark <br /> Neal and Mr. Douglas pledged to initiate discussions to engage Mishawaka, and the <br /> County in future funding proposals. <br /> Information Technology was next. The Council had requested IT submit long-range <br /> KPI's as well as a 5 year development plan. Mark Neal provided a list of KPI's from IT <br /> (attached) and said the 5 year plan was nearing completion and was to be shared with the <br /> Council by the end of the year. <br /> Catherine Toppel, Director of Code Enforcement and Animal Control was next. The <br /> Council had expressed a desire to see the effort to remediate the illegal dumping activity <br /> be sustained through 2013. Catherine Toppel assured the Council, though NCE was <br /> currently understaffed, they could effectively continue clean-up efforts next year. <br /> Considerable discussion regarding the Council's request that Rev. Dr. Martin Luther <br /> King's birthday be an official city holiday. Adamant Council support for this resulted in <br /> the administrations pledge to introduce an ordinance before the end of the year that would <br /> add that day to the list of official holidays. <br /> Mark Neal then explained that there would be no new positions in the legal department <br /> adding the Mayor was soon to announce the appointment of a new City Attorney. <br /> Discussions relative to the Parks Department proved to be quite contentious with the <br /> Council emphatically stating opinions on a number of issues. First, was the future <br /> development of the proposed Miracle Park, an accessible parks sports facility geared <br /> those with physical disabilities. Park Director Phil St. Clair claimed delays have resulted <br /> from not being able to find an appropriate site. Several Council members urged <br /> development near Coveleski Stadium. St. Clair said the suggest site was not large <br /> enough. He plans to keep looking. Henry Davis shifted focus to the Charles Black and <br /> MLK Centers. He asked for an audit, opposed any new position or re-structuring of <br /> personnel. Henry as well as others see a dire need form more and better programming at <br /> the Centers if youth engagement is to be the goal. <br /> Beyond the Centers the Council expressed a need for more equipment in parks, more <br /> park patrols, and a re-evaluation of the golf courses in a cost/benefit way. <br /> Regarding the request for a youth engagement position and a community outreach <br /> position out of the Mayor's Office there was considerable discussion opposing them. <br /> This was also the tenor of discussion for the proposed Deputy Director of Public Works. <br />