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COUNCIL RULES <br />The April 14, 2008 meeting of the Council Rules Committee of the South Bend Common Council <br />was called to order by its Chairperson, Council President Timothy Rouse at 3:35 p.m. in the <br />Council's Informal Meeting Room. <br />Persons in attendance included Council Members David Varner, Derek Dieter, Ann Puzzello, <br />Oliver Davis, Karen White, Thomas LaFountain <br />Council President Rouse asked Ann Puzzello to sub for Council Member Kirsits who sponsored <br />the bill but was absent. Puzzello explained the amendments set September 30t" as a deadline for <br />the Council's annual pertormance review of the Council Attorney. The review is to take into <br />account the attorney's annual report due June 30~' measured against duties set forth in the city <br />code. The bill would generally state an intent to retain the attorney through 2011 pending the <br />annual positive reviews. President Rouse then addressed the Council's need to fill appointments <br />on various boards. No recommendations were made for the Animal Control Commission. Having <br />4 applicants successfully interviewed for two open slots on the Redevelopment Commission, <br />Council President Rouse asked for consensus. Before that ensued, Council Member Varner <br />expressed willingness to serve himself. He felt given the fact that the Redevelopment <br />Commission appropriates over $40 million annually a Council Member should sit on the board. <br />All agreed allowing one open slot to Dave, it was agreed David Varner would fill Ken Peczkowski <br />slot.. Consensus was not achieved on the other. Council President Rouse saw a need for a <br />woman on the board. Council Member White asked if all applicants were interviewed, In that one <br />was not, that being Nancy King, a decision to defer until April 28, 2008 resulted. Consensus for <br />Dennis Andres, Jr., and Randy Kelly to be appointed to the Century Center Board of Managers <br />was readily achieved. Councilmember Derek Dieter volunteered to serve on the Century Century <br />Board of Managers to fill the slot traditionally held by a Councilmember. Todd Zeiger was re- <br />appointed to the Historic Preservation Commission. No applicants applied to the Urban <br />Enterprise Association. A motion by Council Member Dieter, seconded by Council Member <br />Oliver Davis and supported by all ratified the above mentioned appointments, except the <br />remaining Century Center representative also deferred to April 28, 2008. <br />There being no further business to come before the Committee, Council President Rouse <br />adjourned the meeting at 3:34 p.m. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />~- ' ~~~ <br />Timothy Rous ,President <br />Council Rules Committee <br />