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, j 144 <br /> On November 10, 2005 the committee sponsored a "plunge"to all five NPC(s) in the city. A <br /> TRANSPO Trolley was hired to transport participants to the centers from the County-City building. <br /> The plunge allowed the committee and participants to visit each center to get a "hands-on feel"for <br /> the work and activities taking place at each center. On November 15, 2005 all 5 of the NPC(s) <br /> were asked to make a presentation at the informal committee room on the 4th floor of the County- <br /> City building to describe their projects and their goals and objectives for 2006. Much dialogue and <br /> interaction took place, various brochures produced by some of the standing committees were <br /> provided for each NPC to share with neighborhood residents. Committee members and NPC <br /> participants expressed their appreciation. These two events allowed the committee to fulfill its <br /> responsibility in accordance with the municipal code, <br /> This council adopted the South Bend Commission on the Social Status of Black Males <br /> (SBCSSBM) in January of 1998.The SBCSSBM has not been active for a considerable period of <br /> time. Currently, discussion is taking place on the possibility of reactivating the commission. If the <br /> commission is reactivated it will need the continued support of the Common Council. Part of that <br /> support will require some oversight from this council. Given the very nature of the commission, I <br /> would like to go on record as recommending this committee be charged with that responsibility. <br /> In conclusion; 2005 was a banner year for the Residential Neighborhoods Committee, hosting a <br /> plunge and observing the work of the Neighborhood Partnership Centers, researching specific <br /> issues related to quality neighborhoods and participating in high profile rezoning/neighborhood <br /> issues. By submitting the recommendations contained in this report the committee is "plowing new <br /> ground." 2006 will offer an opportunity to plant proactive seeds to review policy and procedures for <br /> establishing Neighborhood Associations, collaborative partnership with the Community <br /> Development Division and a challenge to the Common Council to play a vital role in the continued <br /> existence of the South Bend Commission on the Social Status of Black Males through the <br /> Residential Neighborhoods Committee by doing these things a plentiful harvest can reaped in <br /> future years. I would be remiss if I did not recognize the help and assistance of our Council <br /> Attorney Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand. The entire committee appreciates her work. Finally, I am <br /> appreciative of the opportunity to have served on this committee. <br /> Respectfully Submitted,4. <br /> Timothy A. use, 2005 Chairman <br /> Residential Neighborhoods committee <br /> Filed In Clerk's Office <br /> DEG 1 2 2005 <br /> JOHN VOORDE <br /> CffY CLERK,SO.BEND,114 <br />