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ZONING&ANNEXATION COMMITTEE OCTOBER 22, 2012 <br /> 5:27 P.M. <br /> Committee Members Present: Oliver Davis, Dr. Fred Ferlic, Dr. David Varner, <br /> Gavin Ferlic <br /> Other Council Present: Tim Scott, Henry Davis, Valerie Schey, <br /> Derek Dieter, Karen White <br /> Other Present: Kevin Allen, Catherine Hostetler, Jim Masters, Christa Nayder, <br /> Tony Zappia, Mike Danch, Wendell Johnson, Harjinder Singh, <br /> Herbert Miller, Gayle Broden, Mark Lyons, Kathleen Cekanski- <br /> Farrand, Bob Masters <br /> Agenda: Bill No. 38-12-Rezone/Special Exception 3527 Western Avenue <br /> Bill No. 35-12—Avon Theater <br /> Bill No. 12-70— Special Exception 1441 N. Michigan <br /> The first agenda item, Bill No. 38-12, is a petition to rezone and ask for a special <br /> exception to allow a gas station/convenience store at 3529-3527 Western Avenue. <br /> Consideration began with a presentation from Christa Nayder of the Area Plan <br /> Commission Staff who provided a brief summary of the Area Plan Commission review <br /> and disposition. She reported that the APC sent the petition to the Council with a <br /> favorable recommendation. Following Christa, Tony Zappia, an attorney representing <br /> the petitioner outlined his client's intent. During the public portion that followed several <br /> residents nearby the proposed convenience store voiced opposition. This prompted <br /> Councilmembers Henry Davis, Jr. and Oliver Davis to voice reservations about the <br /> proposal. With no apparent consensus either for or against, Valerie Schey motioned the <br /> bill go to Council with no recommendation. Tim Scott seconded. All agreed. <br /> The next Bill No. 35-12 was initiated by the Historic Preservation Commission asking the <br /> Council to declare the old Avon Theater a historic landmark to forestall the library's plan <br /> to demolish the building. <br /> The public library purchased the Avon and other properties on the block the main library <br /> occupies so they could proceed with demolition and expansion of their facilities. The <br /> library's plans and purchases were made public five years ago. At that time and since <br /> then these buildings had been vacant and boarded for years. In the months leading up to <br /> this request by HP, the library reached an agreement with HP to preserve the ceramic <br /> facade of the structure at their own cost for future re-use. Though the HP Director had <br /> agreed to this plan,the HP Board did not prompting this request to roadblock any further <br /> action by the library. Representatives of both the library and the HP argued their <br /> positions and answered Council questions. Ultimately Gavin Ferlic motioned the bill be <br /> forwarded with no recommendation. Dr. David Varner seconded and all agreed. <br />