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REGULAR MEETING APRIL 14, 2008 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />RESOLUTION NO. 3851-08 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL <br /> OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA <br /> EXPRESSING ITS SUPPORT FOR THE <br /> RETENTION OF THE COUNCIL ATTORNEY <br /> FOR CALENDAR YEARS 2008 THROUGH 2011 <br /> ON A CONTRACTUAL PART-TIME BASIS <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, the South Bend Common Council notes that it is authorized to hire <br />or contract a Council Attorney under the Indiana Code; and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, since 1975 when the Indiana law took effect, the South Bend <br />Common Council has elected to hire on a contractual basis a part-time Council Attorney; <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, the Common Council believes that it would be a good management <br />and planning decision to hire the Council Attorney, for the current Council’s term <br />running from January 1, 2008 through December 31, 2011, with this action being in the <br />best interests of the Common Council. <br /> <br /> Now, Therefore, be it resolved by the Common Council of the City of South <br />Bend, Indiana, as follows: <br /> <br /> Section I. The Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, pledges its <br />support to Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand, Indiana Attorney #3168-71, to be their Council <br />Attorney for the current Council Term running from January 1, 2008 through December <br />31, 2011, on a contractual part-time basis. <br /> <br /> Section II. The appointment of the Council Attorney would be subject to a <br />satisfactory annual performance review by the Common Council, which shall be <br />th <br />completed on or before September 30 as a part of the annual budget process. The <br />measurable outcomes utilized by the Common Council shall include a satisfactory <br />completion of the duties set forth in the South Bend Municipal Code §2-7(b) addressing <br />the drafting of ordinances and resolutions; reviewing all proposed ordinances and <br />resolutions as to form and legality; giving legal advice as requested by the Common <br />Council, its committees and members; and advising the Office of the City Clerk on <br />matters regarding publication and codification; with a summary of the same being <br />provided in a Council Attorney Annual Report which shall be submitted for Council <br />review. Fees for such legal services would be subject to the annual budget review and <br />approval process. <br /> <br /> Section III. In the event that the Common Council desires to engage the Council <br />Attorney for any special projects such as acting as the Council’s Agent for labor <br />negotiations and/or representing the Council in litigation; fees for those legal services <br />would be subject to the submission of a written Professional Services Summary detailing <br />such services, with that document being submitted with the appropriation claim form and <br />then processed for payment, as required. <br /> <br /> Section IV. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its <br />adoption by the Common Council. <br /> <br /> s/Timothy A. Rouse <br /> Member of the Common Council <br /> <br />Councilmember White made a motion to hear the substitute version of this bill. <br />Councilmember Dieter seconded the motion which carried by a voice vote of nine (9) <br />ayes. <br /> <br />Council President Timothy Rouse, Chairperson, Council Rules Committee, reported that <br />this committee met this afternoon on this bill and voted to send it to the full Council with <br />a favorable recommendation. <br /> <br /> 15 <br /> <br />