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22. REIMBURSABLE: EXPENSES. Reimbursable expenses shall include actual <br />expenditures made or authorized by the Agent as Property Expenses pursuant to <br />this Agreement. Reimbursable expenses are payable from the Operating Account <br />by the Agent or b} the Owner directly to the Agent. Under no circumstances is <br />the Agent obligated to advance its o n funds for Property Expenses or otherwise. <br />If for anv reason funds are not available in the Operating Account to pay a <br />reimbursable expense by the last business day of each month in which such <br />expense was incurred, the Owner shall immediately reimburse the Agent in full <br />for such expense. Reimbursable Expenses shall include, in addition to other <br />expenses described herein as Property Expenses. the folloNv items: <br />a. Long distance calls. faxes. copies and iees paid for the negotiating or <br />conduction of business for the Property or for the Owner and for securing <br />the approval of authorities having jurisdiction over the Property. <br />b. Handling. shipping. mailing and reproduction of materials related to the <br />Property. and entertainment expenses incurred in connection with the <br />Property. providing such entertainment expenses have been approved in <br />advance by the Owner. <br />C. „ Mileage when traveling in connection with the Property (billed at the then <br />current governmental rate) and overtime work requiring higher than <br />regular rates. <br />d. Electronic data processing service and rental of electronic data processing <br />equipment when used in connection � \ith additional services on the <br />Property site. <br />e. Fees charged by third parties for rental lock boxes and wire transfers of <br />Property funds. <br />23. TERM OF AGREEMENT. This Agreement shall be in effect for a period of one <br />(I) year . ,. .;;..., . �I i ; s , . ` .._ !, ? {ifri. n�1in�� on <br />the 3l" cf,i� e .!,,i !;.,r� . = r! t'. This agreement may be renewed by the Owner for <br />Successive one -year periods by providing Agent with written notice. <br />24. INTERPRETIVE PROVISIONS. <br />a. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Owner and <br />the Agent with respect to the management and operation of the Property, <br />and no amendment or modification will be valid unless made by <br />supplemental written agreement, executed and signed by both parties <br />herein. <br />b. This .Agrcement ?nay be executed in several counterparts. each of which <br />shall constitute a complete original agreement, which may be introduced <br />