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Council Member Dieter stated he would like a breakdown of the monthly attendance figures to <br /> which Mr. Walls stated that"drop figures" are used which include event attendance, foot traffic, <br /> birthday parties, and anyone with a paid admission and anyone who uses the facilities. Mr. <br /> Walls noted that they are looking at regional marketing as well as national marketing. <br /> Dr. Varner inquired whether there have been attempts to partner with Nike, Adidas, etc., and if <br /> not why not. He stated that a BCS Series raises around$75 million. <br /> Mr. Walls stated that the NCAA used to sponsor a pre-season game, which is no longer done. <br /> He added that these suggestions are good,but complicated. <br /> Dr. Varner reminded everyone of the budget restraints which the city will be facing and <br /> suggested that there be another session set up for Mr. Walls to share additional information. <br /> Mr. Walls stated that he would be willing to return and also focus on youth activities. <br /> Council Member Kelly stated that the "Play it Smart Program" is a good program with almost <br /> 80%of the participants from Clay High School going on to college. <br /> Council Member Dieter thanked Mr. Walls for coming today and stated that he would be <br /> scheduling another meeting later this year. He then called for a presentation from Judith <br /> Roberts. <br /> Judith Roberts then presented a power point on bike lanes and provided a 20-page handout to the <br /> Committee (copy attached). She stressed that the presentation shows the "vision of what is <br /> possible". She noted the differences of bike lanes and bike trails, noting that there are no bike <br /> racks by the Chocolate Cafe or other key locations. She urged the city to incorporate more bike <br /> lanes and traffic calming devices, as well as public education programs. She noted that there are <br /> "Share the Road Programs", and billboards which could focus on safety. <br /> Council Member Dieter thanked Ms. Roberts for the presentation and apologized for the short <br /> period of time she had to address the committee in light of the lateness of the hour. He then <br /> adjourned the meeting at 6:03 p.m. <br /> Res s ectfully submitted, <br /> Counc ember a ere D. a Teter, airperson <br /> Parks,Arts,Recreation and Culture(PARC) Committee <br /> KCF:kmf <br /> Attachment <br /> Parks, Arts,Recreation and Culture(PARC)Committee July 25,2005 Page 2 <br />