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Committee Member Kirsits asked whether the Plan would exclude parking on the designated <br /> streets. Ms.Roberts responded that it is OK to park cars on streets with bike lanes. However,some <br /> streets will then be able to accommodate parking on one side only, not on both sides of the street. <br /> It depends on the width of the street. <br /> Ms. Roberts closed by saying that federal grant money may be available because civic <br /> projects which reduce petroleum consumption are favored. <br /> The Committee thanked Ms. Roberts for her work and presentation. <br /> B. South Bend Silver Hawks <br /> Mayor Luecke reported that the American Baseball League had turned down the petition to <br /> transfer ownership of the Silver Hawks for purposes of relocating the team to Marion,Illinois. The <br /> new owners have the option to re-petition as long as the Hawks remain in South Bend. <br /> The City's lease of Coveleski Stadium to the Silver Hawks runs through December 2006 and <br /> the Mayor expects the lease payments to increase. The current lease provides reduced lease <br /> payments but gives the City certain bonuses for spectator attendance. <br /> Until the current purchase offer is withdrawn,no competitor's bid to acquire the team can be <br /> considered. <br /> Chairperson Dieter thanked the Mayor for his information, and no further business came <br /> before the Committee. Mr. Dieter adjourned the meeting at 5:32 p.m. <br /> Respe,tfully submittedt,‘ <br /> 10 NO <br /> -■114111111-- <br /> Council Member Dtirric,ILDieter, Chairperson <br /> Parks, Recreation, Cultural Arts and Entertainment Committee <br /> AMD/cw <br />