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r 1 a <br /> Personnel and Finance Committee <br /> 2005 South Bend Common Council <br /> The April 11, 2005 meeting of the Personnel and Finance Committee was called to order by its <br /> Chairperson, Council Member Roland Kelly at 3:15 p.m. in the Council Informal Meeting <br /> Room. <br /> Persons in attendance included Council Members Kelly,Puzzello, Varner, Kuspa, White, Pfeifer <br /> and Rouse; City Clerk John Voorde, Rita Kopola, Director of Public Works Gary Gilot, Gail <br /> McGuire and William F. Eagan of the South Bend Human Rights Commission, Dr. Catherine M. <br /> Pittman, other unidentified members from the public and Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand, Council <br /> Attorney. <br /> Council Member Kelly noted that the committee is composed of Council Members Varner, <br /> Kuspa,White and himself as Chairperson. <br /> Council Member Kelly stated that the committee meeting was called to have a power point <br /> presentation from South Bend Equality. <br /> Catherine M. Pittman, PhD noted that she is a Psychology Professor at Saint Mary's College. <br /> On January 19, 2005, a position statement was prepared by the South Bend Human Rights <br /> Commission. She noted that it is in the multi-page handout entitled"Evidence of Discrimination <br /> against GLBT individuals in the South Bend Area" (copy attached). Dr. Pittman then proceeded <br /> with the power point presentation. She noted that GLBT stands for gay, lesbian, bisexual, <br /> transgender. She stated that in the "big picture" according to a 2000 survey, 49% of Americans <br /> have gay friends or family. She then reviewed the slides referenced in the handout. South Bend <br /> Equality, which is a group of concerned citizens, is concerned about alleged discrimination in <br /> housing,employment, education and public accommodations. <br /> Dr. Pittman then reviewed standards which were used in developing the South Bend Equality <br /> Case Report of Alleged Discrimination; noting that it had the approval of the Institutional <br /> Review Board of Saint Mary's College. She stated that twenty(20) individuals were interviewed <br /> for the record, many of whom "submitted information at some risk". In summary, Dr. Pittman <br /> stated that GLBT individuals are unprotected. She encouraged the Council to work with the <br /> Human.Rights Commission in finding a remedy. She stated that she believes that the issue is <br /> one of fairness. She asked the Council to carefully review each of the "alleged discrimination <br /> reports"which are set forth in the handout. <br /> In response to a question from Council Member White, Dr. Pittman stated that there were <br /> slightly more than twenty (20) individuals; and that overall they may have spoken with 50 <br /> persons. <br /> In response to a question from Dr. Varner, Dr. Pittman confirmed that the report is a survey and <br /> that none of the allegations were investigated. Dr. Varner noted that perceptions can be <br /> different. He also voiced concern over statistics from the Los Angeles Times poll. <br /> Dr. Pittman noted that a Gallup poll was used. <br /> April 11,2005 Personnel and Finance Committee Meeing Minutes -page 1- <br />