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Council Member Kelly thanked everyone for their information on Internal Services Funds and <br /> then called for a presentation on the Century Center. <br /> Century Center Fund#670 <br /> 2006 Revenue $3,099,035 <br /> 2006 Increase $ 27,982 0.9% <br /> 2006 Expenditures $3,070,617 <br /> 2006 Decrease -$ 113,654 -3.6% <br /> Anthony Douglas, President of the Century Center Board of Managers; Brian Hedman, <br /> Executive Director of the Century Center; and Tom Davis, Director of Finance made the <br /> presentation. They noted that this has been the hardest budget to prepare and they continue to <br /> crunch numbers. They struggled with salaries and benefits and eliminated some positions- one <br /> full-time and "slashed deep" into the personnel part-time help. They are in challenging times <br /> and are continuing discussions with the CFHF and matching fees and expenses. They are in <br /> desperate need of capital monies for carpeting, the boiler system, etc., and the Century Center <br /> Board of Managers will vote on August 24th. <br /> In response to questions from Dr. Varner, it was noted that $121,000 was cut from part-time <br /> personnel which include several highly skilled employees. A"fresh look"must be given in order <br /> to remain competitive such as purchasing 300 new quality stacking chairs,etc. It was also noted <br /> that they have looked at sponsorships in the past which resulted in the Bendix Theatre. <br /> Mr. Hedman noted that on November 1, 2005 there will be a 28th anniversary celebration of the <br /> Century Center entitled"Celebration of Vision",noting that the Century Center opened in 1977. <br /> Council Member Kelly thanked Brian,Anthony and Tom for their service and their presentations <br /> and then adjourned the meeting at 6:00 p.m. <br /> Res 1 ` ubmti ed, <br /> Council Member Roland Kelly,Chairperson <br /> Personnel and Finance Committee <br /> KCF:kmf <br /> Attachments <br /> August 17,2005 Personnel and Finance Committee Meeing Minutes -page 4- <br />