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Mr. Walls stated that sustaining the long-term viability of the Hall and being a good partner with <br /> the community are two (2) of his key priorities. The "Play it Smart" program at Clay High <br /> School has worked well and he would like to get the program into more schools. There are <br /> issues with the gift shop; and he anticipates that they will have on-line sales in the near future. A <br /> photographic archives for revenue purposes is being developed. He has ten (10) full-time <br /> employees and fifteen (15) part-time employees; and 132 volunteers with this number being the <br /> one he would like to double. <br /> Mr. Walls stated that they are working on a TV show which will air later this year on ESPN. A <br /> new website is being developed and they are moving ahead full-steam. <br /> Dr. Varner thanked Mr. Walls for the sharing of information, but noted that the city heard <br /> positive reports from Host Communications in the past. He then gave Mr. Walls a copy of a <br /> letter which he had sent to former Director Bernie Feeney. Dr. Varner noted that the Council is <br /> not bound to fund the operation as proposed by the Administration. He stated that he does not <br /> fault Mr. Walls efforts, however he believes that there must be a serious reduction in funding <br /> from the city, especially if there are only 4,000 people who pay the full-rate to attend the Hall. <br /> Dr. Varner noted that the citizens were promised that the Hall would be self-sustaining and that <br /> there would be no city dollars needed to fund its operations. He wished Mr. Walls the best, <br /> however he noted that he does not know the status of the interim agreement. He stated that he <br /> would like another reduction this year. <br /> Mr. Walls stated that people do not understand the attendance numbers and the financial <br /> structure of the Hall. He stated that 2/3 of the people who visit the Hall come from outside the <br /> community. He stated that negative reports in the newspaper do not help, and he believes that <br /> we need to maintain a positive outlook. He intends to work to make the Hall as viable as <br /> possible,noting that they will be changing the marketing company. <br /> Mayor Luecke stated that he appreciates Dr. Varner's remarks. He believes that Rick will be a <br /> better manager than Bernie and that both of them are great promoters. He added that the new <br /> Foundation President brings a different approach and hopefully it will have more productive <br /> efforts. <br /> Council Member Kelly stated that he is probably closer to the Hall than any other Council <br /> Member. He stated that he is impressed with what Rick Walls has done so far and he is looking <br /> forward to having him execute the plans he has outlined. Council Member Kelly stated that <br /> there have been some honest mistakes early on,but the Hall is beautiful and there are lots of new <br /> ideas to make it a success. <br /> Dr. Varner questioned why naming rights for the Hall have never been achieved, noting that for <br /> some reason the Hall has not been chosen. <br /> Mayor Luecke stated that naming rights are for higher venues. Mr. Walls added that there may <br /> be a firm out there interested in naming rights and that that will be pursued. <br /> Council President Pfeifer inquired about the traveling van. <br /> August 23,2005 Personnel and Finance Committee Meeing Minutes -page 7- <br />