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r r <br /> Joint Meeting of the Personnel&Finance Committee <br /> and the Health&Public Safety Committee <br /> 2005 South Bend Common Council <br /> The September 19, 2005 joint meeting of the Personnel and Finance Committee and the Health <br /> and Public Safety Committee was called to order by Health and Public Safety Committee <br /> Chairperson, Council Member Karen L. White at 5:02 p.m. in the Council Informal Meeting <br /> Room. <br /> Persons in attendance included Council Members Pfeifer, Puzzello, Dieter, Varner, Kuspa, <br /> White, Kirsits, and Rouse; Mayor Stephen Luecke, City Controller M. Catherine Fanello, City <br /> Attorney Charles Leone, Fire Chief Luther Taylor, Assistant Fire Chief Rick Switalski, Police <br /> Chief Thomas Fautz,Division Chief Rick Kilgore,Fire Union Lodge # 36 President Ken Marks, <br /> Ben Noell, Thomas "Chip" Lewis III, Fire Union Spokesperson; City Clerk John Voorde, <br /> members of the news media and Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand, Council Attorney. <br /> Council Member White noted that two (2) bills are pending before the Committees namely <br /> Substitute Bill No. 50-05 which would establish annual pay and monetary fringe benefits for <br /> members of the South Bend Fire Department and Substitute Bill No. 51-05 which would <br /> establish annual pay and monetary fringe benefits for members of the South Bend Police <br /> Department(copies attached). <br /> Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand, the Council's Agent/Negotiator, reported that Substitute Bill No. <br /> 50-05 would implement the City's last, best and final offer of September 1, 2005 which was <br /> tentatively agreed to by the Fire Union Negotiating Team on that date. That offer reflects a 2% <br /> increase in 2006, a 2.5% increase in 2007 and a 3.5% increase in 2008, all of which would be <br /> across the board for all ranks of sworn firefighters. She added that the City Advisory <br /> Negotiating Team and the Fire Union Negotiating Team met on September 15, 2005 and <br /> discussed an"If Ratified" offer which if approved would have placed an additional 1% increase <br /> effective July 1,2006,which would then be compounded in the base increases in 2007 and 2008. <br /> In light of the package not being ratified, the September 1st last, best and final offer is set forth <br /> in the proposed ordinance. She further added that in 2007, a one-time amount of$13,500 would <br /> be added to the station allowance which would be divided equally among the fire stations. <br /> Fire Chief Luther Taylor thanked both Negotiating Teams for their "good efforts" and hard <br /> work. Chief Taylor stated that we must move ahead positively and requested that the ordinance <br /> be approved by the Council. <br /> Mayor Stephen Luecke commended both Negotiating Teams. The Mayor noted that the City is <br /> faced with many challenges in light of escalating gasoline costs and natural fuel increases; and <br /> health insurance increases. He stated that he would support this financial package. <br /> Fire Union Spokesperson Thomas "Chip" Lewis, III stated that both Negotiating Teams worked <br /> very hard, however the end result does not reflect that hard work. He believes that both sides <br /> "went that extra mile" and were creative. He stated that he supports the ordinance as a result of <br /> the efforts made. <br /> September 19,2005 Joint Committee Meeting of the Health&Public Safety Committee and the Personnel&Finance Committe-Page I- <br />