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The Council Attorney noted that in her memo she noted that the time period to pay the fines in a <br /> timely manner was not spelled out and that it did not address increased fines for second offenses. <br /> Mr. Leone stated that those issues are still under discussion and if necessary would be addressed <br /> in a subsequent Bill. <br /> Following discussion, Council Member Kuspa made a motion, seconded by Dr. Varner that Bill <br /> No. 69-05 be recommended favorably to Council. The motion passed. <br /> Under miscellaneous business, Jack Dillon provided a handout to the Committee dated October <br /> 6, 2005 which addressing the "Rate Study" for the upcoming sewer rate increase to be requested <br /> by the Administration. (copy attached). <br /> Under miscellaneous business, Dr. Varner addressed Bill No. 53-05 which includes monies for <br /> the College Football Hall of Fame. He noted that the City of South Bend is supposed to be in the <br /> middle of negotiations, however the Council has not received any updates to date. Monies for <br /> admissions are less than what have been projected; sponsorship is nil; and 2000 was the Iast time <br /> that the NFF contributed. He stated that he would be suggesting this evening to amend the <br /> $631,000 requested amount to$500,000,with a moratorium being suggested for 200 7. He stated <br /> that we are supposed to be partners, however they have let us down and are now raising monies <br /> for their own endowment. Money is transferred to a joint committee which reports to no one. <br /> He noted that he was criticized a year ago and therefore is bringing this concept to everyone's <br /> attention now. <br /> Council Member Rouse stated that he understands Dr. Varner's concerns however he would <br /> hope that persons could get together to address the aggregate issue. The city needs to be more <br /> pro-active and more thorough. <br /> Dr. Varner noted that the matter has been taken out of the Council's hands and that the Council's <br /> sole function is funding. There have been no real reports to the Council, except for the <br /> presentation by Mr. Walls. <br /> Mayor Luecke requested that the $631,000 be approved. They are looking into a phased in 4th <br /> reduction in the Internal Agreement and are also looking at the hotel/motel tax and the <br /> professional sports development distribution. <br /> Dr. Varner stated that the professional sports development funds are for all four (4) entities as <br /> addressed in the ordinance, namely the Hall of Fame, Century Center, Morris Civic and the <br /> Cove. He noted that the Council is charged with wisely spending city monies, and especially <br /> now that there are property tax problems. <br /> Council Member Dieter noted that he has many of the same concerns as Dr. Varner and Council <br /> Member Rouse. He was "blown out of the water" by comments made by Mr. Fallon. Nothing <br /> has been done since the football game was lost. He voiced strong concern that no one reports to <br /> the Council and that request made by him as PARC Committee Chairperson are basically <br /> ignored. He believes that a message should be sent like the one which the Council sent last year. <br /> September 26,2005 Personnel and Finance Committee Meeing Minutes -Page 2- <br />