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Tim Scott was next. His comments were directed to public safety concerns and curb and <br /> sidewalk infrastructure in the 1st District. Tim questioned the budget dollars for the <br /> police department. Feeling they were too inadequate to make a positive difference. <br /> Tim then said as good as the curb and sidewalk program has been; there are too many <br /> folks who could not afford to buy in to the needed improvement program. <br /> Oliver Davis, 6th District, followed. He began expressing appreciation for the intent to <br /> make Martin Luther King's birthday an official city holiday. Then he turned to open and <br /> newly proposed positions in the budget. He said new positions were ill-defined and <br /> should have been discussed with Council. The Police Chief's position and the Director <br /> of Public Works positions had been vacant too long. The dollars sent to fund a position <br /> with the Chamber should be re-directed to other Chambers like the Minority Chambers. <br /> He also echoed a call for Miracle Park to be downtown, more funds for parks, and a more <br /> affordable curb and sidewalk program. <br /> Gavin Ferlic's comments were read as he requested, in that he was out of town. His <br /> comments were generally supportive of the Mayor's proposals for new positions, salary <br /> adjustments, and departmental requests. He also suggested the Council reduce its budget; <br /> setting an example for other departments. <br /> President Derek Dieter followed directing most of his comments to the budget of the <br /> police department, his area of particular expertise. He maintained the numbers were a <br /> "joke." He said the numbers, meaning staffing levels for beats,just don't add up. As <br /> submitted he could not even consider supporting the budget. <br /> Karen White emphasized her support for programs that improve the quality of life in <br /> neighborhoods like dollars for clean-up of illegal dumping and graffiti abatement. In <br /> terms of supporting any new positions, Karen wanted to know the funding source, the job <br /> description, and defined expectations. She also thought longevity and performance of <br /> city employees needed to be rewarded. Karen also voiced more support for park <br /> improvements. <br /> Everyone present having had an opportunity to speak, a discussion of where to go next <br /> ensued. From that the Council decided they would address the budget approvals on a <br /> piecemeal or departmental basis. This, it was felt, would help the approval process move <br /> along. <br /> Finally the administration primarily through Mark Neal was given a chance to respond. <br /> Mark offered clarification to questions such as the proceeds from "Triangle"lot sales, the <br /> Pro Sports Fund use, the need for a current youth program audit, and a promise of a better <br /> accounting of police department funds. He said the curb and sidewalk program funding <br /> was increased by 40%, reflecting demand. Gary Gilot said he would work with Council <br /> to develop more affordable approaches,hopefully tested in pilot programs. Henry Davis <br /> said this is an opportunity to use minority contractors. Mark said Park Department <br />