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r 1 <br /> Personnel and Finance Committee <br /> 2005 South Bend Common Council <br /> The October 24, 2005 meeting of the Personnel and Finance Committee was called to order by <br /> its Council Member David Varner at 4:00 p.m. in the Council Informal Meeting Room. <br /> Persons in attendance included Council Members Dieter, Pfeifer, White, Puzzello, Kirsits, <br /> Rouse, Varner, and Kuspa; Executive Director of the Department of Community and Economic <br /> Development Sharon Kendall, Director of Public Works Gary Gilot, Mrs. Kopola, Citizen <br /> Member Martha Lewis, Mikki Dobski Schidler, John Byorni, Ann Kolata, City Clerk John <br /> Voorde, Jamie Loo of the South Bend Tribune and Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand, Council <br /> Attorney. <br /> Dr. Varner noted that in the absence of Council Member Kelly she would conduct the <br /> Committee meeting. He noted that the other Committee members included Council Members <br /> Kuspa,White and Kelly. <br /> Dr. Varner called for a presentation on Bill No. 05-127 which would authorize the deposit of <br /> various non-tax revenue monies into Fund 209. <br /> Ann E. Kolata, a Senior Redevelopment Specialist, made the presentation. She noted that Fund <br /> # 209 was established for the deposits and disbursements of federal grant monies related to the <br /> Studebaker/Oliver Project. The city will be receiving funds from the settlement of a lawsuit with <br /> Allied Products related to environmental conditions at the former stamping plant. The proposed <br /> resolution would permit depositing these monies into Fund# 209, with all of these funds being <br /> used solely for the Studebaker/Oliver project. <br /> Dr. Varner noted that the Council does not receive any notice currently when funds are deposited <br /> into such funds. He would like some sort of notice in addition to the Controller's monthly <br /> financial report on city funds. He believes that there should be an accounting means in this area. <br /> Ms. Kolata stated that Section 108 loan monies would be deposited into Fund # 212 and not <br /> Fund # 209. She stated that there is a confidentiality statement in the settlement with Allied <br /> Products in light of the insurance company wishing to have the amounts remain confidential. <br /> Ms. Kolata stated that she would look into Dr. Varner's request for additional accounting <br /> addressing deposits. <br /> Council Member Kuspa made a motion, seconded by Council Member White that Bill No. <br /> 05-127 be recommended favorably to Council. The motion passed. <br /> Dr. Varner then called for a presentation on Bill No. 05-128 which would approve the issuance <br /> of scrap metal/junk dealers/transfer station licenses for calendar year 2005. <br /> Gary Gilot,Director of Public Works made the presentation. He noted that all of the fifteen(15) <br /> operations listed in the resolution have been inspected by the Fire Prevention Bureau, Water <br /> Works and the Department of Code Enforcement. The Board of Public Works recommended the <br /> October 24,2005 Personnel and Finance Committee Meeing Minutes -Page 1- <br />