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2005 Information and Technology Committee Annual Report <br />December 6, 2005 <br />Page 2 <br />Chambers where members of the South Bend Common Council, representatives of Metronet, <br />Inc., and county officials met. I have also placed on file in the Information and Technology <br />folder in the Office of the City Clerk, copies of the following documents received from Gary <br />Gilot: <br />• Reciprocal License Agreement between the city and St. Joe Valley Metronet, Inc. <br />dated March 14, 2005 <br />• IRS Form 990 Filing of St. Joe Valley Metronet, Inc. for 2004 <br />Recommendations for 2006: If I continue to Chair the Information and Technology <br />Committee in the new year, I would recommend that we focus upon: <br />• Looking into contracting with a company /agency to develop an effective, <br />comprehensive, informative and inter - active City Council website which is regularly <br />updated in a timely manner, and which would be directly linked to the City of South <br />Bend website <br />Looking into improved ways for the Council's records, which are housed in the <br />Office of the City Clerk, to be accessed on line, including but not limited to regular <br />and special meeting minutes, committee minutes, ordinances, resolutions, annual <br />reports, forms for requests for vacations of public ways, forms for rezonings, forms <br />for annexations, forms tax abatements, etc. <br />The City of South Bend needs to prioritize its technology needs in order to remain competitive in <br />the information market. I look forward to meeting with M. Catherine Fanello who oversees <br />Information Technologies, so that we may jump -start these activities. Thank you. <br />Respect�full submitted, <br />Counci ember David Varner, Chairperson Filed in Clerk's OfflCB <br />Information and Technology Committee <br />DEC 12 2005 <br />cc: Mayor Stephen Luecke <br />Gary Gilot, Public Works Director JOHN voOROE <br />M. Catherine Fanello, City Controller CITY CLERK, so. BEND, 111. <br />