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Health and Public Safety Committee 2005 South Bend Common Council <br /> The June 13, 2005 meeting of the Health and Public Safety Committee was called to order at <br /> 4:35 p.m. by its Chairperson, Council Member Karen L. White, in the Council's Informal <br /> Meeting Room. <br /> Persons in attendance included: Council Members Dieter, Pfeifer, Puzzello, Varner, Rouse, <br /> Kelly, Kuspa and White; Chief Assistant City Attorney Aladean DeRose, Executive Director of <br /> the Department of Community and Economic Development Sharon Kendall, City Clerk John <br /> Voorde, Bill Carleton, Rita Kopola, Tedd Schaffer and Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand, Council <br /> Attorney. <br /> Council Member White noted that the Committee members include Council Members Rouse, <br /> Varner,Kuspa and herself. <br /> Council Member White then called for a presentation on Substitute Bill No. 30-05 which would <br /> amend Chapter 14, Article 2, Section 14-8 of the South Bend Municipal Code to clarify <br /> exceptions to the city's curfew violations. <br /> Chief Assistant City Attorney Aladean DeRose made the presentation. She stated that in light of <br /> the US District Court for the Southern District of Indiana recently finding Indiana's criminal <br /> curfew regulations to be unconstitutional for impermissibly interfering with a parent's <br /> constitutional right to determine a child's upbringing, the proposed ordinance is being <br /> recommended. <br /> Ms. DeRose stated that the three (3) highest arrests in 2003 were between 11 pm and 2:00 am. <br /> 11 pm was the 2nd highest crime hour, 12:00 am was the highest, and 1:00 am was the 3rd <br /> highest (June 9, 2005 memo attached). She added that the Indiana General Assembly did not <br /> amend the state law this year. The proposed ordinance is being requested by the SB Police <br /> Department. <br /> Council Member White inquired about the permission slip, noting that youth are very creative. <br /> She suggested that a form may be considered instead of a permission slip. Ms. DeRose stated <br /> that the police would run a copy of it and that the burden would be on the parent. <br /> Council Member Dieter inquired about the sanctions which would be imposed when it was <br /> determined that a permission slip was a fake. Ms. DeRose stated that that would result in a <br /> forgery of a record and that the JJC would become involved. The purpose of this part of the <br /> ordinance is to get juveniles off the streets. <br /> Council Member Dieter voiced concern about enforcement once the police has completed their <br /> duties noting that there is only a 25% collection rate on violations of the noise ordinance, and <br /> that over 500 violations have not been pursued to date by the legal department. <br /> June 13,2005 Health and Public Safety Committee of the 2005 South Bend Common Council -page 1- <br />