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Council Member Puzzello inquired about the procedures for adding signs to the entrances to the <br /> city, suggesting that David Tidmarsh is a national figure. <br /> Mr. Gilot stated that this signage is being addressed in the CIP and that all such signs will be <br /> redone. <br /> Director of Code Enforcement Catherine Bruecker then provided two (2) handouts, namely a <br /> brochure entitled "Adopt-A-Block" and a multi-page handout entitled "South Bends Spring <br /> Cleanup Gets Underway with Major Project"(copies attached). <br /> Ms. Bruecker stated that Adopt-A-Block begins on April 23rd. Another innovative idea is <br /> renting of a park. Now that the snow is thawing many environmental cases are being uncovered <br /> as detailed in the large handout. Approximately 1/2 of the properties are rentals. She noted that <br /> SBMC Section 16-53 covers notice provisions and that hang tags are placed on doors. She stated <br /> that unfortunately illegal dumping is continuing. She is working with Dave Woods on this issue. <br /> Inspections will begin April 1st in the eight(8)quadrant areas. <br /> Council Member White noted that at the last Council meeting Lucille Spalding brought up the <br /> smoke coming from 2623 Lincoln Way West. <br /> Ms. Bruecker stated that originally they did not have a permit in place, but that they do now. <br /> Odor and smoke problems have been received about Temple Tree. They are operating legally <br /> and have installed equipment consistent with manufacturer's specifications. She noted that in <br /> some cases, fuel costs can be cut by 80-85%by using such woodburning stoves. <br /> In response to a question from Council Member Rouse, Ms. Bruecker noted that James Markle <br /> sits on the committee which looks at air standards. <br /> In response to a question from Council Member Kuspa, Ms. Bruecker stated that inoperable cars <br /> on private property still need to be tagged under a 21-day time period to comply. Re-inspections <br /> then take place. <br /> Ms. Brucker stated that she has eight(8) inspectors for 47,000 properties.. <br /> In response to a question from Council Member Kirsits, Ms. Bruecker stated that they pursue <br /> daily illegal parking on front lawns, noting that Miami is a prime example. <br /> Council Member Dieter stated that if a police officer sees them park on the front lawns, that they <br /> can be cited. <br /> Council President Pfeifer suggested that the Health and Public Safety Committee look into wood <br /> burning stoves. <br /> Council Member Kirsits noted that there are now devices where woodburning stoves can be used <br /> to heat water. <br /> March 28,2005 Informal Meeting of the South Bend Common Council -page 2- <br />