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- r <br /> Council Rules Committee March 21, 2005 6:32 p.m. <br /> Purpose—Council Attorney Contract <br /> Attendance: Charlotte Pfeifer, President <br /> Derek D. Dieter 1st District <br /> Roland Kelly 2nd District <br /> Ann Puzzello 4th District <br /> David Varner 5th District <br /> Karen L. White At Large <br /> Timothy Rouse At Large <br /> Absent: Al `Buddy" Kirsits At Large <br /> Ervin Kuspa 6th District <br /> Others Present: John Voorde, City Clerk <br /> Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand <br /> Nancy Sulok, South Bend Tribune <br /> James Austin, 801 Turnock <br /> Rules Committee Members: Councilmember Pfeifer, Chairperson <br /> Karen L. White <br /> David Varner <br /> Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand was asked by Charlotte to leave the room. Charlotte Pfeifer, <br /> Chairperson, Rules Committee began the meeting with a brief retrospective of what has <br /> transpired over the last 3 months relative to the contract of Council Attorney Kathy <br /> Cekanski-Farrand. Pfeifer emphasized that she had worked diligently to get every <br /> Councilmember's opinion regarding the position of Council Attorney and the <br /> performance of current Council Attorney Kathy Cekanski-Farrand. Pfeifer provided a <br /> capsule of her approach and personal opinion regarding the attorney position for each <br /> member to begin discussion (See exhibit#1) <br /> Roundtable discussion followed, each member expressing their thoughts relative to the <br /> position, the process, and the person, namely, Council Attorney Kathy Cekanski-Farrand. <br /> Karen White—outlined her sense that the Council Attorney be full-time; that the attorney <br /> provide sound, unbiased advice free of personal opinion; that the attorney be readily <br /> available; and that all Councilmembers were to be treated equally with respect. <br /> Derek Dieter—pointed to Kathy Cekanski-Farrand's 30 plus years of experience working <br /> as Council Attorney, emphasizing the quality of her work and soundness of her legal <br /> opinions. <br /> 1 <br />