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site plans, surveys, title work, environmental studies in order to determine the feasibility of a <br /> project in determining whether it should proceed ahead. <br /> Council Member Kelly made a motion, seconded by Council Member Kuspa that Bill No. 12-05 <br /> be recommended favorably to Council. The motion passed. <br /> Council Member Puzzello inquired if three were more pro-active measures which the Council <br /> could take to insure federal funding. Ms. Leonard stated that currently the Congress is <br /> considering legislation which would combine this program with 17 other programs under the <br /> Department of Commerce instead of HUD. A letter writing campaign is under way. She will <br /> keep the Council posted. <br /> Council Member Dieter suggested that the Council may wish to contact Congressman Chocola's <br /> office, and that discussions are taking place currently with NNN. <br /> Council Member Puzzello noted that Bill No. 05-11(copy attached) which is a reconfirming <br /> resolution for the property located at 432 S. Lafayette Street requested by Rescue, Inc. and Hope <br /> Housing, L.P., was continued from the February 14th meeting because a presenter was not <br /> present. <br /> Steve Arnold, the Executive Director of Hope Rescue Mission, 432 S. Lafayette Street, noted <br /> that the new construction will be completed by November of 2005. They are therefore asking <br /> for a one (1) year extension on the tax abatement due to the delay in acquiring federal income <br /> tax credits in the original petition filed in March of 2003. <br /> In response to questions from Council Member Rouse, Mr. Arnold noted that they had to reapply <br /> for the tax credits and as a result are approximately 12 months behind. They are currently 1/3 <br /> into the construction phase. <br /> Dr. Varner noted that the request for the one(1)year extension is similar to the one requested by <br /> the South Bend Tribune. <br /> In response to questions from Council President Pfeifer Mr. Arnold stated that they are currently <br /> full at the Michigan Street operations. Mothers and children would be house at the Lifetime <br /> operation and Michigan Street will eventually be entirely devoted to male housing. He <br /> confirmed that there will be 6-8 units at the Lafayette operation for father head-of-households. <br /> Mr. Arnold stated that in their 2-year study it showed that they were turning away more mothers <br /> with families than any other group of individuals. <br /> Council President Pfeifer encouraged Hope Rescue to interact with businesses in their area more <br /> and help "control your population". She stated that they are doing a "good job" but encouraged <br /> them to be more pro-active and a leader in this area. <br /> Council Member Rouse voiced concern that the thirty-two (32) housing units will only have one <br /> (1)employee for this"fragile community". <br /> Mr. Arnold state that there will be 125 beds and that they are also concerned. <br /> February 28,2005 Community and Economic Development Committee meeting of the 2005 South Bend Common Council -page 2- <br />