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• <br /> Council Member Kelly then made a motion, seconded by Martha Lewis that Bill No. 05-71 be <br /> recommended favorably to Council. The motion passed. <br /> Council Member Puzzello then called for a report on Bill No. 05-72 which is a request for a five <br /> (5) year residential real property tax abatement for Kendall-Weiss, LLP for lots numbered <br /> 225-235 of LaFayette Falls Subdivision, Section Three. <br /> Mr. Tedd Schaffer reviewed his report dated June 2, 2005 (copy attached). He noted that the <br /> petitioner plans to develop 1.1 lots of a total development which will have 266 homes. The <br /> property has already been annexed into the city limits. Each home will be stick-built by Weiss <br /> Homes, Inc. The average cost for each will be $129,048 for a total value of$1,420,000. The <br /> report concluded that the petitioner meets the requirements for a five year residential tax <br /> abatement under Section 2-77.1 of the South Bend Municipal Code addressing single family real <br /> property abatement. <br /> Derek Spier, a planner with Abonmarche Consultants, LLC noted that they hope to have the <br /> homes constructed by the end of this Summer. <br /> Council Member Kelly then made a motion, seconded by Martha Lewis that Bill No. 05-72 be <br /> recommended favorably to Council. The motion passed. <br /> Council Member Puzzello then provided copies of the revised draft of the Tax Abatement <br /> brochure to the Committee. The Council Attorney noted that it includes two (2) changes from <br /> the original draft provided to the Committee. The 1st one was suggested by Citizen Member <br /> Martha Lewis which addresses that pulling a building permit would disqualify a person from an <br /> abatement. The 2nd change includes a reference to the Indiana Administrative Code which puts <br /> the burden on the property owner to comply with all of the reporting requirements. <br /> Sharon Kendall inquired whether the brochure addresses the new state law, noting that she <br /> recently was at a conference and that no one knows how it will be implemented. The Council <br /> Attorney noted that the draft brochure only addresses the local ordinance which will not be <br /> affected by the new state law. <br /> Ms. Kendall then provided a series of updates on various developments such as a new spa, <br /> Horizon Bank; that the State Theater has filed for bankruptcy and has become a teen club for <br /> youth over 18 years of age;that there will be a new store in the old Peaberry's location; and that <br /> new RFP's have gone out for the LaSalle Hotel and the former Osco's site. She noted that there <br /> are four(4)ambassadors in the downtown. <br /> Dr. Varner noted that he thought that the Chocolate Factory was interested in leasing not <br /> purchasing the former Osco site. Ms. Kendall stated that purchasing will require a new RFP. <br /> In response to an inquiry from Council President Pfeifer, Ms. Kendall noted that most national <br /> drug store chains require a drive-thru. Ms. Kendall noted that they are working with a developer <br /> for the former Senior Kelly's site. <br /> June 13,2005 Community and Economic Development Committee meeting of the 2005 South Bend Common Council -page 2- <br />