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Tedd Schaffer reviewed his report dated June 30, 2005 (copy attached). He noted that the <br /> petitioner proposes a 3rd phase to this residential development which will consist of seventeen <br /> (17) lots being developed on 9.97 acres. The average home cost will be $167,647 with this <br /> phase totaling $2,850,000. The report concluded that the petitioner meets the requirements for a <br /> five year residential tax abatement under Section 2-77.1 of the South Bend Municipal Code <br /> addressing single-family real property abatements. <br /> Derek Spier, AICP of Abonmarche Consultants, LLC with offices located at 750 Lincoln Way <br /> East in South Bend made the formal presentation. He noted that the development is located <br /> south of Kern Road. The subdivision will have a total of 266 lots. <br /> Council Member Puzzello requested a better map in order to see where such developments <br /> would be located. <br /> Lois Steele noted that she is a local landlord and realtor and voiced concern about giving away <br /> more tax abatements. <br /> Mr. Schaffer stated that the land is currently vacant and meets the requirements. <br /> Vice-President White suggested that someone from the Community and Economic Development <br /> Department staff sit down with Mrs. Steele to which Ms. Kendall agreed. <br /> Council President Pfeifer noted that since the land is now vacant, the city will get more taxes <br /> with it being developed utilizing tax abatement as a development tool. <br /> Council Member Kelly then made a motion, seconded by Council Member Kuspa that Bill No. <br /> 05-82 be recommended favorably to Council. The motion passed. <br /> Council Member Puzzello then called for a report on Bill No. 05-83 which is a five (5)year real <br /> property tax abatement request for D &H Builders, Inc. for lot numbers la, 4, 8, 11, 12, 16, 18, <br /> 29,34, 41, 42,44 and 45 of Royal Oak Estates Subdivision, Section 1. <br /> Tedd Schaffer reviewed his report dated June 29, 2005 (copy attached). He noted that the <br /> petitioner proposes to build thirteen(13) single family homes with an average cost of$200,000. <br /> The project cost is approximately$2,600,000. The report concluded that the petitioner meets the <br /> requirements for a five year residential tax abatement under Section 2-77.1 of the South Bend <br /> Municipal Code addressing single-family real property abatements. <br /> Bernie Feeney of Lang Feeney and Associates with offices located in downtown South Bend <br /> made the presentation. He noted that the project is located on the south side of Jackson Road. <br /> In response to a question from Citizen Member Martha Lewis he noted that the project will have <br /> over 100 homes upon completion. <br /> Rita Kopola of Lakeville voiced concern over drainage problems in the area and inquired what <br /> ditch is involved. <br /> July 11,2005 Community and Economic Development Committee meeting of the 2005 South Bend Common Council -page 2- <br />