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Mr. Schaffer reviewed his report dated July 19, 2005 (copy attached) noting that the petitioner <br /> proposes to build a single-family residence at the locations The report concluded that the <br /> petitioner meets the requirements for a five year residential tax abatement under Section 2-77.1 <br /> of the South Bend Municipal Code addressing single-family real property abatements. <br /> Raymond E. VanWynsberghe of Garden Homes, Inc. (Limited POA attached) made the formal <br /> presentation. He noted that the two (2) homes will have approximately 1,036 square feet with a <br /> market value each of approximately$100,000. <br /> Kathleen Petczak of 901 West Byran spoke against the abatement request noting that 46% of the <br /> properties in Portage Township have received tax abatement. <br /> Council Member Puzzello noted that she would be happy to provide Ms. Petczak with a <br /> Committee brochure which details the tax abatement process and that the petitioner will be <br /> paying taxes,but at a lower amount for the five year period in question. <br /> Council Member Kuspa made a motion, seconded by Council Member Kelly that Bill No. 05-93 <br /> be recommended favorably to Council. The motion passed. <br /> Council Member Puzzello noted that a presenter was now present for Bill No. 05-91. She then <br /> called for a report from Mr. Schaffer on Bill No. 05-91 which is a ten (10)year real property tax <br /> abatement reconfirming resolution for Axelberg & Axelberg, LLC for the property located at <br /> 2025 Main Street. <br /> Mr. Schaffer reviewed his report dated July 19, 2005 (copy attached). which detailed among <br /> other things that a Declaratory Resolution was previously adopted and that a Confirmation <br /> Resolution was adopted on July 28, 2003 (Resolution No. 3212-03). The report noted that the <br /> petitioner is requested an extension of the 10-year designation period. <br /> Jeff McGowan of Kruggel, Lawton & Company, LLC with offices in downtown South Bend <br /> made the formal presentation. He stated that due to problems scheduling the masonry <br /> contractors,the project has fallen behind schedule and will not be completed by July 28, 2005 as <br /> originally anticipated. The are asking for an extension so that the project could be completed <br /> within the next several months. <br /> Dr. Varner noted that they had done a project on Broadway and Main Street and had done a <br /> super job. <br /> Council Member Kelly made a motion, seconded by Council Member Kuspa that Bill No. 05-91 <br /> be recommended favorably to Council. The motion passed. <br /> Council Member Puzzello inquired whether any one was present for formally present Bill No. <br /> 05-94 which is a five (5)year residential real property tax abatement request of Marvin L. Ward <br /> for the property located at 3230 Topsfield Road. <br /> The Council Attorney suggested that the Committee Chairperson call the petitioner's name three <br /> times. Council Member Puzzello then called Marvin L. Ward three (3) times and no one <br /> July 25,2005 Community and Economic Development Committee Meeting Minutes -page 2- <br />