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The Community and Economic Development Committee <br /> of the South Bend Common Council <br /> Minutes from Meeting of December 12, 2005 <br /> The December 12, 2005 meeting of the Common Council's Community and Economic <br /> Development Committee meeting was called to order by its Chairperson Ann Puzzello at 4:47 p.m. <br /> in the Council Informal Meeting Room. <br /> Persons in attendance included Council Members Pfeifer, Kelly, Puzzello, Kuspa, Rouse, <br /> Kirsits and White. Among those also present were City Clerk John Voorde, City Engineer Carl <br /> Littrell,City Community and Economic Director Sharon Kendall,Building Department Director Don <br /> Fozo,Water Works Director John Stancati,Public Works Director Gary Gilot,Controller Catherine <br /> Fanello,City Planners Andy Laurent and Larry Magliozzi,Derrick Spear of Abonmarche Company, <br /> Jamie Loo (South Bend Tribune), and Aladean M. DeRose substituting for Kathleen Cekanski- <br /> Farrand, Council Attorney. <br /> A Committee quorum existed with all members present,namely Council Members Puzzello, <br /> Kelly, Kuspa and Kirsits. <br /> Bill No. 91-05 - Appropriation of $647,380.93 in Fund 209 to Redevelop the <br /> Studebaker-Oliver Project Area. <br /> City Planner Andy Laurent presented this Bill to the Committee. He explained that the <br /> subject funds to be appropriated were environmental lawsuit settlement proceeds, to be used for <br /> acquisition,relocation,clean-up and other redevelopment expenses in the Studebaker-Oliver Project <br /> area. <br /> No member of the public spoke for or against the Bill,and Mr.Kuspa moved to send Bill 91- <br /> 05 to the full Council with a favorable recommendation. Mr. Kelly seconded the motion which <br /> passed unanimously. <br /> Bill 05-144-Resolution for Five Year Real Property Tax Abatement,Lafayette <br /> Falls Subdivision, Kendall-Weiss LLP. <br /> Mr. Derrick Spear, Abonmarche Company, 750 Lincoln Way East, South Bend, presented <br /> this Bill to the Committee on behalf of developer Kendall-Weiss,LLP. He explained that this was <br /> the third phase of a residential realty development project and that the first two phases are <br /> completely developed. The third phase will involve 35 lots for homes with an average price of <br /> $160,000 each and a minimum of 1,800 square feet. The infrastructure construction is underway <br /> with the sewer and water to be completed by winter and spring 2006. Tax abatement was granted <br /> for homes in Phases 1 and 2, and tax abatement for Phase 3 will aid marketing. <br /> Mr. Varner asked how many homes have been sold. Mr. Spear said that all homes in Phases <br /> 1 and 2 have been sold and that Phase 3 is a smaller project. He believed most of the lots have home <br />