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•CITY OF SOUTH BEND OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br />Mr. Jamecke proceeded to share the impact of Morris Performing Arts Center and Palais Royale <br />within the City of South Bend. <br />Chair White opens the floor to the Committee for questions and comments. <br />Councilmember Lori K. Hamann asked for clarification in reference to the Co -Directors staying <br />in their positions with the new Human Rights Director. Mr. Patton replied to Councilmember <br />Hamann's question by explaining more of both roles. <br />Councilmember Hamann asked about the topic of sustainability and the decrease within the climate <br />initiatives. <br />Eric Horvath, Director of Public Works for the City of South Bend, with offices located on the 13"' <br />floor of the County -City Building, South Bend, IN, replied to Councilmember Hamann's question. <br />Mr. Horvath stated each year they budget this area depending on what the needs are. <br />Committeemember Rachel Tomas -Morgan asked a question directed towards the grant monies for <br />DCI. Mr. Buckenmeyer replied to Committeemember Tomas -Morgan stating the grant positions <br />are for two (2) years. He would plan to keep those employed from the grant monies after the two <br />(2) years. <br />Committeemember Tomas -Morgan asked Mr. Patton to speak to line items of education and <br />training within his department. Mr. Patton replied to Committeemember Tomas -Morgan with <br />details concerning training and creating initiatives under the Diversity and Inclusion budget. <br />Committeemember Jake Teshka asked the intention concerning the Director of Community <br />Investments position being filled. <br />Kacey Gergely, Mayor's Chief of Staff, with offices on the 14th floor of the County -City Building, <br />South Bend, IN, answered Committeemember Teshka's question. Ms. Gergely shared the <br />intention is to fill the Director of Community Investments position. <br />Committeemember Teshka asked Mr. Patton to explain more detail concerning the duties of the <br />Human Rights Director position. Mr. Patton replied clarifying the positions duties. <br />Committeemember Teshka asked a follow up question concerning what the differences are <br />between the Human Rights Director and the Co -Directors positions. Mr. Patton states the Director <br />would be the visionary and lead that department in the direction needed. <br />Councilmember Sharon L. McBride shared there were shootings on Huey and Marine streets. <br />Councilmember McBride proceeded to asked what the intent would be for helping the <br />neighborhood with the Community Investment funding sources. Mr. Buckenmeyer replied they <br />are still charting out details to this opportunity and will keep Councilwoman McBride informed. <br />Committeemember Sheila Niezgodski asked Ms. Gergely about the position for DCI concerning <br />the salary still being fixed at the same amount. Ms. Gergely stated the pay is still in place. Mr. <br />Parker confirmed the dollars are in the budget for that position. <br />EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br />455 County -City Building 1227W Jefferson Bvld i South Bend, Indiana 46601 i p574.235.9221'f574.235.9173 iTTD574.235.5567 I v .southbendirgov <br />2 <br />