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834 Forest Avenue_AA 2020-0911
Historic Preservation
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834 Forest Avenue_AA 2020-0911
Entry Properties
Last modified
9/14/2020 11:26:16 AM
Creation date
9/14/2020 11:24:59 AM
South Bend HPC
HPC Street Address
834 Forest Avenue
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834 N. Forest Ave., South Bend, IN <br />Here is additional information in regards to the work that is proposed for the house located at 834 N. <br />Forest Ave in South Bend. <br />The roof has 3 areas of concern. The first area is a flat roof on the south side of the house (#2 on the <br />site map) that appears to have suffered damage due to a falling tree limb. The impact left a hole in the <br />flat roof which is allowing water into the interior. The repair will require the installation of new black <br />roll roofing made by Owens Corning in a color called Black Onyx. The new roofing material is an in-kind <br />repair to match the existing material. As the roof is flat, the repair is not visible to the street. The <br />second hole is at the top of the second floor dormer on the second story of the house (#3 on the site <br />map) and it appears this area may have been damaged by raccoons. Again, water is pouring into the <br />interior which has damaged plaster walls, ceilings and wood floors. The repair will use Owens Corning <br />asphalt 3-in-1 shingles. This is an in-kind repair not visible to the street. The 3rd area of concern is the <br />chimney at the top of the gabled roof (#1 on the site map). This chimney has collapsed leaving a short <br />amount of brick exposed above the roofline. I am requesting the removal of the remaining chimney and <br />have the area filled in with ¾” plywood and then covered in Owens Corning asphalt 3-in-1 shingles. The <br />new shingles will match the existing shingles already on the house. This is another in-kind repair. <br />Retaining the existing chimney was not considered a priority as it will soon become obsolete when the <br />new furnace and waterheater vent out the side wall. The rebuilding of this chimney was considered an <br />unnecessary expense for a non-functioning chimney. The existing chimney has allowed water <br />infiltration that will need to be addressed ASAP. <br />There is a small tree in the rear yard between the house and the garage that is completely dead (#4 on <br />the site map). This tree will need to be removed ASAP before falling branches damage the roof of the <br />garage. <br />Thank you for your consideration, <br /> <br />Laura Hayden, owner <br /> <br />
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