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CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br />that need to register with Code Enforcement. <br />Chair Niezgodski handed the floor over to Alkena Aldridge. Ms. Alridge gave a presentation pertaining to <br />her team and its mission. She stated they look at the most vulnerable residents as it relates to civic <br />engagement and economic empowerment. <br />LaTonya Newhouse, with Real Services 1151 South Michigan Street, South Bend, IN. Ms. Newhouse <br />shared a presentation concerning programs initiated out of the crisis that evolved through COVID. <br />Ann Watson, Executive Director of the St. Vincent DePaul Society, 520 Peasant Ave., South Bend, IN. Ms. <br />Watson presented pertaining to the people they serve. She shared information about Covid-19 rental and <br />utility assistance eligibility through St. Vincent De Paul. <br />Jacob Sipe, Executive Director of the Indiana Housing Community Development Authority (ihcda), Thirty <br />(30) South Meridian Street, Indianapolis, IN. Mr. Site gave a presentation concerning Housing and <br />Utility resources ihcda offers to residents in Indiana. <br />Judith Fox, with Economic Justice Center, 725 Howard Street, South Bend, IN. Ms. Fox talked about legal <br />help available during times of hardship. <br />Angela Hoogeveen, Managing Attorney at the south bend of Indiana, legal 227 South Main Street, Suite 220, <br />South Bend, IN. Ms. Hoogeeven shared information concerning legal help for residents in our community. <br />Chair Niezgodski opened the meeting to community questions and comments. <br />Sadie Borkowski, 910 East Donald Street, South Bend, IN. Ms. Burkowski stated she works at the St. <br />Joseph County Public Library. She thanked everyone for their presentations and asked if there is any added <br />help the library can offer. Chair Niezgodski <br />Dawn Turpin, 1009 East Jefferson Blvd., South Bend, IN. Ms. Turpin asked a question pertaining to rental <br />assistance funds. Chair Niezgodski and Mr. Site answered her question. <br />Jessie Davis, P.O. Box 10205, South Bend, IN. Mr. Davis made a statement concerning water bills being <br />paid by landlords. He asked is there help for landlords, so foreclosures don't happen. <br />Councilmember Lori K. Hamann asked what the percentage of landlords are non -registered. Ms. Johns, from <br />the Department of Code Enforcement clarified the question. <br />Ms. Johns stated all the information from the meeting would be good to share with tenants. Ms. Fox, with <br />Indiana Legal said she has the information and will share it with the Department of Code Enforcement. <br />Ms. Fox went back to Mr. Davis's question and stated it is no longer the case that water bills be in the landlord <br />name. <br />Councilmember Rachel Tomas -Morgan gave a thank you to Ms. Fox and Ms. Hoogeveen for all their work. <br />Chair Niezgodski gave a thank you to Mr. Sipe and his hard work and partnership. <br />EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br />455 County -City Building 1227 W. Jefferson Bvld'South Bend, Indiana 46601 p574.235.9221lf574.235.9173 <br />