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,lanuary 2~, X047 PAC Comrn~tte~ Minutes <br />Pale ~ <br />Following discussion, Council Member dieter made motion, seconded by Council <br />Mernber l~irsit that Bill No~ 9~-0~ be recommended favorably to Council. The motion <br />passed <br />Council Member dieter thanked everyone for their hand vuork in keeping the <br />greenhouse complex operational <br />B~~an~oal S~cl~t of Sou~~ ~e~d ~ ~ate~ <br />Council Member Pu~~ello called far a presentation from the Botanical Society of South <br />Bend. <br />Martha Lev~ris, Interim Treasurer of the Botanical Society of South Bend provided an <br />update to the Cornrr~ittee~ ~~, Lewis noted that there are 4 members who come frorn <br />South Bend, Mishav~raka, nary, Elkhart, 1=ort 1~Vayne, Irrien prin~,111~et Lafayette, <br />Bremen and Lawrence, l~Cansas. donations have been received from individuals from <br />lndiana,111inoi and Michigan= A total of 14,97~.g8 has been received to date. <br />Counci! Member Pu~~ello thanked M. Lewis for the update and requested ~ v~rritten <br />report. <br />Sue l~esir~ of 40 Kennedy and member of the Botanical Society of South Bend <br />reported an the activities of the Botanical Society highlighting: upcoming projects and <br />events, projects completed, and projects in progress ~copY attached, <br />In response to a question from Council Member Dieter, it was noted that ~,4gg to <br />4,~g~ is the projected cost of the lighted sign for the conservatories. Burkhart has <br />made proposed design for the sign, a dopy of which vus requested by Council <br />Memberieter, <br />Council President douse inquired about the coordination of the many activities at the <br />green house. <br />IVlatthe~v Moyers of the Park department stated that he i the liason for the deparkment <br />and noted that the Botanical Society is a joy to work with on the many <br />greenhouelconservatoryactivities. <br />In response to a question from Council Member I~uspa, Mr= Moyers noted that the <br />greenhouse was first constructed in ~ ~~F with additions- taking place in 9~ and 968, <br />There have been working partnerships with many groups ever the years, however the <br />most formal ongoing relationship i the current one with the Botanical Society of South <br />Bend. <br />Mayor Luecke noted that the I~riencs of the greenhouse is no longer operation. <br />