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COMMUNITY& ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 8-13-12 <br /> 4:08 P.M. <br /> Committee Members Present: Henry Davis, Karen White, Gavin Ferlic, Dr. Fred Ferlic <br /> Other Council Presents: Tim Scott, Valerie Schey, Dr. David Varner, Oliver Davis, <br /> Derek Dieter <br /> Citizen Members: Pat Crowley, Zach Raymond <br /> Others Present: Murray Miller, Scott Ford. Mark Neal, Kathy Cekanski-Farrand, Kevin <br /> Allen, Mike Schmuhl, Sherri Miller-Story, Kathy Hahn, Manette Tepe, Joe Hymes <br /> Agenda: Bill No. 12-62—Tax Abatement 5231 Dylan Drive—Real Property <br /> Bill No. 12-63 —Tax Abatement 7101 Vorden—Tire Rack—Real Property <br /> Update on Renaissance District <br /> Community and Economic Chairperson Henry Davis opened the scheduled hearings <br /> considering two real property tax abatement requests. <br /> The first, Bill No. 12-62, was for a 6 year real property abatement. The 105,000 sq. ft. <br /> industrial building would create 62 full-time jobs with a payroll in the area of$2,100,000. <br /> Kathy Hahn from the Economic Development Department reporting all abatement <br /> criteria had been met and forwarded favorably. Manette Tepe representing the petitioner <br /> was present to answer questions. Henry Davis thanked the petitioners for their <br /> investment and job creation. With that Gavin Ferlic motioned and Karen White seconded <br /> the favorable recommendation to full Council. It received unanimous support. <br /> The second petition was Bill No. 12-63, a request from Tire Rack for a five year real <br /> property abatement. Tire Rack, as presented by Kathy Hahn, was for a 36,000 sq. ft. <br /> office addition with an estimated dollar value of$6,500,000. A representative from Tire <br /> Rack was present to answer questions. Tim Scott thanked Tire Rack for their investment <br /> in the 1st District. On a motion to send favorably by Gavin Ferlic seconded by Karen <br /> White the bill was forwarded with support from all. <br /> Scott Ford,recently appointed head of the Economic Development Department was <br /> present to give an update on the proposed Renaissance District. However, in the essence <br /> of time. Chairperson Davis asked the presentation be re-scheduled for either the Council <br /> meeting on August 27, 2012 or September 10, 2012 pending schedule considerations. <br /> Karen White suggested an update on the East Bank Village was needed. Henry Davis <br /> announced he hoped to get input from Councilmember's regarding tax abatement <br /> compliance issues by October 8th. <br />