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George Macri, a nearby bakery and restaurant owner agreed and also expressed <br /> frustration with the length of the sewer project restricting access to the business area. He <br /> complained not only of the projects duration but also, his inability to get a completion <br /> date. <br /> In response Ed Bradley, a commercial realtor said the school was willing to divide the lot <br /> reserving part for parking and part for development. Charmain Torma,representing the <br /> parish, invited everyone to a meeting on Tuesday, September 4, 2012 at the school for all <br /> interested parties to show and discuss the school's plans. To address Marci's complaint, <br /> Gary Gilot said he would get a target completion date for the sewer project from <br /> engineering. <br /> During the Council's portion, Oliver Davis expressed concern about another church/state <br /> controversy asking the Council Attorney to monitor the situation. Karen White <br /> questioned the adherence of the parking lot proposal to the overall East Bank Village <br /> vision. Henry Davis also directed comments about the East Bank Village Plan and City <br /> Plan questioning their development status or lack of it. Oliver Davis suggested the idea <br /> of financially compensating business owners for business lost due to the sewer project be <br /> seriously explored. <br /> Under miscellaneous Henry asked for an update or report on the City's energy plan. It is <br /> now scheduled for Wednesday September 12, at 5:00 p.m. <br /> Respectfully Submitted, <br /> Henry Davis, Chairperson <br /> Community&Economic Development Committee <br />