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729 Cottage Grove Avenue_COA 2020-0406
Historic Preservation
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729 Cottage Grove Avenue_COA 2020-0406
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Last modified
6/9/2020 7:35:29 PM
Creation date
6/9/2020 12:30:13 PM
South Bend HPC
HPC Street Address
729 Cottage Grove Avenue
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2 <br />Michael – <br /> <br />Thank you for making these diagrams and providing clarification to questions I have or think the Commission will have <br />during the public hearing for this Certificate of Appropriateness application. I’m not sure if the diagrams you attached <br />formatted correctly, please see attached pdf. The top view and north side views don’t seem to match the pictures as far <br />as size/scale/placement of the windows, please advise. With the photos and hand drawn plan you previously provided, <br />we probably can do without this plan and elevation for the windows, or feel free to revise for accuracy and formatting <br />and resubmit as a pdf. <br /> <br />For the elevation for the porch, I’m not finding that it conveys what the complete project outcome will look like <br />although there is some further context in your written description. Can you please provide more information to help <br />the Commission understand what your new porch will look like upon completion. Links to product specification could <br />be helpful. Possibly a hand drawing. <br /> <br />From the description you gave of the door, it was likely an original architectural detail to this house. If you have not yet <br />discarded, I would strongly recommend retaining it through the time of the HPC meeting until a decision is rendered on <br />this retroactive COA application. <br /> <br />The staff recommendation is to retain the original door, upgrading the glass, and adding a new storm door; existing <br />aluminum storm windows are recommended for new windows, in a material other than vinyl (could consider wood, <br />aluminum clad, fiberglass extruded, etc.), in the same quantity and configuration as existed originally; porch requires <br />more detail of what was removed and of new design. <br /> <br />Please provide any additional information by April 6 to be included on the agenda of the next scheduled HPC meeting. <br />The date of the next meeting is April 20, but is subject to change following updated State and City orders. <br /> <br />Thank you! <br /> <br />Elicia <br /> <br /> <br />From: Michael Hebbeler <> <br />Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2020 9:14 PM <br />To: Elicia Feasel <>
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