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Mark Dollinger expressed frustration with the system which he says does not emphasize the <br />consequences of vandalism for the offender and the victim. He also cited a growing concern over <br />gang signs, marketing territory and tagging. <br />Karen White emphasized the need to take a strong stand against graffiti and the need to hold <br />parents accountable for actions of their children. <br />City Attorney Chuck Leone said the law allows up to $2,500.00 in damages to be assigned to <br />parents of perpetrators. <br />Citizen committee member Don Brubaker suggested providing alternatives to the graffiti mischief, <br />namely, park and library programs. <br />Jeff Young from the Lincolnway West area emphasized the seriousness and the pervasiveness of <br />the problem in South Bend. He has volunteered hundreds of hours to pain-over graffiti and be <br />emphasized the gang-sign threatening aspect. <br />Tim Hudak, community activist from the west side said the City needs to act swiftly to curtail <br />graffiti, hold parents accountable, and show zero tolerance. <br />Catherine Toppel, Director, Code Enforcement, echoed the growing gang influence and a <br />problem of graffiti on vacant homes. <br />Gail Brodie from the LaSalle Park cautioned the City not to just push the problem from one <br />neighborhood to another. She also thought acrime-stopper approach would probably work as <br />long as reporting citizens could remain anonymous. <br />Karen White then began to sum-up the discussion. She asked for opinions as to the next step. <br />Dieter stated more emphasis on the part of the SBPD in terms of Intel, coordination, personnel <br />and a contact person was needed. <br />Oliver Davis said the next meeting of the committee should include representatives from the <br />South Bend Police Department, the Juvenile Justice Center, Ministers and the School <br />Corporation. <br />Karen White agreed emphasizing a need for coordinated strategies. She emphasized the <br />seriousness of the problem and the seriousness of the council's intent to do something about <br />graffiti. <br />"handout from Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand <br />There being no further business to come before the Committee, Councilmember Karen White <br />adjourned the meeting at 6:05 p.m. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />~~.~ ,~~ <br />Karen L. White, Chairperson, <br />Health and Public Safety Committee <br />