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CITY OF SOUTH BEND OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> Councilmember Dr. Davis stated, Thank you, and Ms. O'Sullivan, please relay that kind of a <br /> question to the Mayor and as they present the job description to the Council, they can have that <br /> consideration of what kind of role that position, if passed, would have with the office that Ms. <br /> Brooks holds because I see a lot of similarities. Not that that's a bad thing, but there needs to be <br /> some serious coordination with that issue because I see her out in the community. Again, it goes <br /> back to my question and I didn't not think about you when I said it. I asked about Ms. Cherri Peate <br /> to the Mayor, but also from Ms. Cherri Peate's position to your position to that position. You see <br /> where all that comes in?Again,when that position was sent to the Council for review,just to have <br /> that concept in mind and see how that plays into all of our public safety, given both sides of the <br /> need for it are those who said there may not be a need for it. All those put in together. I would <br /> appreciate it. <br /> Committeemember Broden stated, You presented your budget over three (3) weeks ago, and it's <br /> been online for some time. Are there any changes that we should be aware of?And I'm asking that <br /> specifically because, one (1), I think the takeaway from Council, my peers, and then also from <br /> those in attendance and those that I have heard from that were not in attendance that night was that <br /> you had developed a pretty comprehensive multifaceted smart proposal here for 2020 and of course <br /> it's long range in its rollout. However, that's one(1) takeaway, but then on the other side of it was <br /> that there's a whole lot packed in here and it's a lot of plates to juggle and a lot of things that need <br /> high priority and attention. Three (3) weeks ago, I think that was what I heard resoundingly and <br /> I'm just wondering if there have been any discussions about increases and whether you answer that <br /> or if anyone else would answer that, I would really like to hear that before I go into my vote. The <br /> other piece is just regardless of any staffing or proposed changes in your budget,just relative to <br /> getting hands and minds on deck, implementing the broadness of this program that you've laid out <br /> is what you might envision in terms of fellows, interns, committee structures that would actually <br /> be, through a convening authority through your department, that could help advance these things <br /> and get to outcomes in a smart, fast,but expedited way. <br /> Ms. Brooks replied, All of the initiatives that were presented during my budget hearing really <br /> require a lot of cross collaboration between departments, Council, community members, and <br /> organizations. I wouldn't say that any of this could happen with just an increase in funding or just <br /> additional staff or funding for staff. It's going to take a concerted effort across all departments and <br /> Council Members, across districts and community organizations, to accomplish it. And for it to <br /> actually become the way that we do business and integrate it into the way the City functions, I <br /> don't want us to think that we can just throw money at this and let that be the answer. This is <br /> something that if we are going to be true to what we say and the values that we espouse, then it's <br /> going to be necessary for everybody to pitch in and push this forward and not let any of these <br /> initiatives drift by the wayside because something else is more shiny next year. That's my hope is <br /> that everybody will continue to work together to make sure that these initiatives move forward. <br /> And with that I'll turn it over to Dan Parker and he can address more specifically the budget <br /> question. <br /> Mr. Parker stated, Yes, Councilmember Broden, specifically on the question of the conversations <br /> that we are having right now on what changes we want to make to propose based on the feedback <br /> we received through the budget hearings, both from the public and as well as from Council <br /> Members. As of right now, because Council did not get the chance to provide feedback on <br /> Christina's budget back during her budget hearing, the goal was to present it as it was presented <br /> EXCELLENCE ACCOUNTABILITY INNOVATION INCLUSION EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 227 W.Jefferson Bvld South Bend.Indiana 46601 p 574.235.9221 f 574.235.9173 TTD 574.235.5567 <br /> 28 <br />