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CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> Committee Chair Karen White stated, I'm going to go to the Committeemembers to see if we have <br /> any questions as we prepare to receive the full report during the 7:00 p.m. meeting. If I'm not <br /> mistaken, I want to make sure I have full understanding, that these two (2) bills will be discussed <br /> in the Council portion, and the public will have opportunity to ask questions, and then it will <br /> continue to the next meeting only in the Council portion? So, today is the public hearing portion? <br /> Councilmember Tim Scott replied, Correct. <br /> Mr. Parker stated, These two (2) bills are the culmination of the budget hearings. So, these are <br /> basically bringing all of the information that has been presented over last eight(8)budget hearings <br /> that we've had and the two (2) that are upcoming, are all brought together in these two (2) bills. <br /> Committee Chair Karen White stated, I guess for me, I would like to make sure as we prepare to <br /> move forward,those areas in which we've had a number of discussions, and especially those areas <br /> that we would like to see more investment into the neighborhoods, that this budget will reflect <br /> some of that. Also, I know a number of Councilmembers have asked that as we look at the <br /> appropriations, and as we're looking at the information that we'll have tonight,that we would like <br /> to see when we look at the 2019 budget, what was the approved amount? What is being proposed <br /> for 2020? Where are those dollars going to be spent by district? So, I don't know if that's going to <br /> be a part of the presentation. <br /> Mr. Parker replied, I hope answers to all three (3) of those questions will be in the presentation <br /> tonight. I'm glad you said that because those were the three (3) goals of the presentation this <br /> evening. To wrap up the budget hearings and really show the investment in a way that hopefully <br /> everyone can see exactly what's being invested in the neighborhoods. Where their going from a <br /> City-wide perspective in different areas of the City, and then how it compares to our investment <br /> in 2019. <br /> Committee Chair Karen White stated, I do remember when we had our neighborhood meeting on <br /> September 16th,2019,one slide was a slide that was previously part of the initial presentation when <br /> we started the budget kick off. So, you clarified that this percentage is not correct, but also, as we <br /> begin to look at the overall budget presentations, and where the dollars will be allocated,what that <br /> total percentage will look like for Central Services compared to 2019. <br /> Committee Vice Chair, John Voorde stated, So, what we will ultimately be voting on will likely <br /> be an amended version of these, and not uncommon for that to be so. We still have budget <br /> presentations, and even second (2nd) looks at some other budgets that have been presented. So, <br /> likely, whatever's in there will change. <br /> Mr. Parker stated, Yes, that's correct. So, the final budget hearing right now is scheduled for <br /> October 2, 2019, which is where we will present the original proposed budget that we brought <br /> before Council, and then any changes that we've made during the budget hearing process based <br /> on feedback from residents or from Councilmembers. <br /> Committeemember Jo M.Broden stated, I just wanted to make sure that I was clear on the calendar <br /> in terms of the balance of the meetings. Some of the actual departments coming back for return <br /> visits,and then the deadlines. So,I'm actually looking more for a revised calendar of who's coming <br /> when so I can be up to date on that. <br /> EXCELLENCE ACCOUNTABILITY INNOVATION INCLUSION EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 227W.Jefferson Bvld South Bend,Indiana 46601 p 574.235.9221 f 574.235.9173 TTD574.235.5567 <br /> 4 <br />