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CITY OF SOUTH BEND OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> will still be a Capital Fund. The former EMS Capital Fund will be the Fire Department Capital <br /> Fund that they will use for their capital purchases, and we believe that that's appropriate given that <br /> the Fire Department does have significant capital needs and want to maintain that separate Capital <br /> Fund for their needs. Before I invite Chief Cox up, I'd happily entertain any questions you may <br /> have about that accounting change. <br /> Committee Chair White asked, Council Members, any questions? Thank you for the update, and <br /> now we invite Chief Cox to the podium. State your name and address,please. <br /> Steve Cox, South Bend Fire Chief, 1222 South Michigan Street stated, Good evening, As Dan <br /> mentioned,I'll be presenting today on the Fire Department budget for 2020.As I presented a couple <br /> weeks ago, when we were all here as a city discussing the opening remarks from budget hearings, <br /> we presented these goals as three(3)of the main goals of the Fire Department we'll be attempting <br /> to achieve this upcoming year. One(1) is to achieve an ISO rating of one(1), which is the highest <br /> level of risk reduction for the City, risk management for the City as it pertains to the Fire <br /> Department and water delivery systems. At the current time, our department, or the City itself, is <br /> rated at a two (2). That's on a scale of one (1) to ten (10), with one (1) being the top level and ten <br /> (10)virtually being no fire services whatsoever. I want to improve diversity within the department. <br /> We've made some strides in that over the last eight(8) years. As one(1)of our department's main <br /> goals, we anticipate going through a very robust recruitment program this fall and into the spring. <br /> Our next application process will end on March 31St. We've already convened our recruitment <br /> team, and we've already began some discussions in regard to that and community events. <br /> I think I'm probably going to be making the first(1St) announcement of this right now. We intend <br /> on having a public safety job fair at the South Bend Fire Department Training Center on September <br /> 18th, from 4:00-7:OOpm. A couple of years ago when we did this, and we had multiple different <br /> agencies there, it was a wonderful clearing house for potential applicants to come. Around three- <br /> hundred (300) individuals showed up to discuss public safety jobs. We intend on kicking off our <br /> recruitment drive with that event on September 1 8th and we're already talking with members of <br /> our recruitment team to continue doing other events as well. <br /> The other thing that we have at the top of our list,and I'll talk a little bit more about this throughout <br /> the presentation,but we want to increase our capacity and the number of patients that we serve, or <br /> clients that we serve, for our community,through our Medicine Program. We piloted that program <br /> from July of last year through July of this year. We've had tremendous success with the program. <br /> We only have one (1) community paramedic performing those duties right now. We propose in <br /> this budget to add an additional FTE to enhance or improve the program. Hopefully, with the idea <br /> of getting out and serving a minimum of three- hundred (300) different patients next year alone. <br /> We have a lot of other ideas with that. I will speak to that shortly. <br /> Some changes of our operating budget are that our EMS operating revenues and expenditures are <br /> being accounted for in the General Fund, as Dan just mentioned. One (1) of the other points that <br /> I'd like to make about that is that allows us to kind of simplify our budget. It's easier to see where <br /> everything is going, okay. As it was previously, that was all set up, all of our EMS operating <br /> expenses and everything were set up in an Enterprise Fund, which was two-hundred and eighty- <br /> seven (287), I believe. And, two-hundred and eighty-seven (287) then only accounted for those <br /> things that were assigned to the EMS division. One (1) of the troubles that we had with that the <br /> whole time is that our department is an all hazard response department. We don't just respond to <br /> EXCELLENCE ACCOUNTABILITY INNOVATION I INCLUSION EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 227W.Jefferson Bvld South Bend,Indiana 46601 p 574.235.9221 f 574.235.9173 TTD574.235.5567 <br /> 2 <br />