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CITY OF SOUTH BEND OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> items that they identify as being top of the list. I don't know that gear washers were actually at the <br /> top of the list in the last couple of years. <br /> He continued, Our exhaust extractors in several stations, that we installed, came from an AFT <br /> grant two (2) years ago, I believe. We already had exhaust removal systems in all of our stations. <br /> Chief Taylor installed those back in the mid-nineties (90's). As with any mechanical device, some <br /> of them were aging out. They needed to be replaced, and we wanted to standardize them at every <br /> station. We've now done that as well, but we did get a grant for that project. <br /> Councilmember Tim Scott asked, Part of your study with your professor at Notre Dame, are they <br /> also looking at the makeup of the equipment, like the plastics, the TPO's?What I understand, and <br /> I believe I heard him on NPR mention that fire retardants are making up the treatment on the <br /> fabrics and that. All those play into the plastics industry. You heat up plastic and you get gas out <br /> from those. So, the whole entire equipment, is that part of the study? <br /> Chief Cox answered, That will be part. We're going to propose two (2) separate studies, and one <br /> (1) of them will focus on Dr. Peaslee's side of the house. That is exposure and how do we identify <br /> that exposure within our firefighters. Then, Dr. Mopett's end of it is going to be an early detection <br /> piece that we're looking to do research on to detect cancers earlier in a way that's cost effective <br /> and more effective than current. For us to be able to identify someone with a brain tumor right <br /> now you have to put them through an MRI or CAT scan,which comes with risk. What we want to <br /> be able to do is utilize any early detection devices that are good and have a good efficacy but don't <br /> cost alot of money. Some of the screening devices out there, such as bladder cancer,those are like <br /> ten-dollars ($10) a test. Those are easier and we already do those for our department with his <br /> company. We feel as though we can do more, and especially we really want to push the <br /> marketplace out there to be developing those types of tests for firefighters and to make it more <br /> economical. This way, we can detect earlier those cancers because we already know that the <br /> prognosis for earlier detection is much better than late detection. <br /> Councilmember Scott stated, from all of us, our heart goes out to everybody for the loss. We did a <br /> moment of silence here at Council. <br /> Chief Cox replied, Thank you very much. <br /> Councilmember Scott stated, Literally,that was my number two(2)priority with this,is the cancer <br /> prevention because I've been reading and hearing a lot about it. <br /> Chief Cox stated, One (1) of the other special initiatives that we have started is a drone program <br /> with our department.We have ten(10)individuals within our department that are all FAA licensed, <br /> and one-hundred and seven (107) individuals that can operate drones at scenes. The Fire <br /> Department in conjunction with the Office of Innovation has received a couple of different waivers <br /> for when and where we can fly drones specific to public safety incidents. Our department has been <br /> utilizing drones in a way right now to be able to provide command over watch, to provide search <br /> and rescue, a multitude of different uses. I think, personally, that we're just at the cusp of this. <br /> Every single time we fly a drone it seems as though somebody else has another idea for how we <br /> can use it. <br /> EXCELLENCE ACCOUNTABILITY INNOVATION INCLUSION EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building',227W Jefferson Bvld South Bend,Indiana 46601 p 574.235.9221 f 574.235.9173 TTD 574.235.5567 <br /> 10 <br />