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07-31-19 #1
Common Council
Committee Meeting Minutes
Budget Hearing Minutes
07-31-19 #1
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City Council - City Clerk
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Committee Mtg Minutes
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CITY OF SOUTH BEND OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> I wanted to walk Council Members through the format of the 2020 presentations so that you all <br /> know what to expect as we get into not only the four(4)departments today but over the next eleven <br /> (11) weeks what department heads will be presenting. The first (1St) thing they will be presenting <br /> is their department goals and challenges and then we'll get directly into the proposed budget <br /> overview where they talk about the numbers similar to how I talked about changes in operating <br /> income or changes in expenditures. There will then be slides highlighting operational budget <br /> changes including personnel changes, so promotions, new positions, etcetera. Or highlighting <br /> some kind of significant increase or decrease on a particular initiative or particular item in the <br /> budget. There will be a slide on capital projects. Not every department will have capital projects <br /> that they will be presenting. And actually, I don't know that any of the four (4) presenting today <br /> have capital projects, but many departments, obviously, Public Works and VPA will have capital <br /> projects that they will be presenting.We're defining capital projects for the purpose of these budget <br /> presentations to be significant,one(1)time,non-operational requests. And I did also want to note, <br /> as it says on the slide there, per guidance from the DLGF, which is the Department of Local <br /> Government Finance downstate,the City will begin appropriating capital projects one(1)time and <br /> carrying the appropriation forward to future years as needed. You all have been around for a while <br /> and you probably have seen the issues, ever since I've been here we've seen issues, where we <br /> expected to spend a certain amount on a project in a given year, appropriated the amount, didn't <br /> end up spending the amount because the project took longer than expected or had change orders <br /> or whatever, and then have had to come back the next year and re-appropriate that amount. <br /> He went on, The DLGF has told us we can, per Indiana Law, appropriate that money for a capital <br /> projects one (1) time, approve that project, say Council approved Howard Park for example, and <br /> carry forth that appropriation to future years so that if Howard Park takes two(2)or three(3)years <br /> to fully spend that appropriation, it will carry forward because it has already been approved by <br /> Council. So, I just want to note that slight change in how we're going to be appropriating capital <br /> projects going forward. So, departments will go through special initiatives as applicable and then <br /> we will leave time for questions at the end. Each department will have a budget packet that is <br /> included in what we send out to Council Members as well as in the paper copies. That budget <br /> packet will be a copy of the PowerPoint presentation that each department head will be going <br /> through. A copy of the budget summary sheets by fund, that will not be presented by department <br /> heads but is there for Council Members' reference. So, you can see all the budget summary sheets <br /> by individual funds. It has cash levels in there and it gives a little bit different look at the overall <br /> budget. A staffing summary, so each department budget packet will include a staffing summary <br /> which will show changes from 2019. But I do want to point out that more information on staffing <br /> will be presented at the salary ordinance budget hearing on September 16th. And finally, the last <br /> thing in the budget packet is the line level budget detail. So, you will be able to get down to the <br /> individual line level what the proposed spending is. I did want to highlight the order of the budget <br /> presentations, this was sent out to Council Members and the public. Today we're on one (1), and <br /> we have ten(10). <br /> Committee Chair White opened the floor to questions from Committee and Council Members. <br /> Councilmember Dr. Oliver Davis asked, In terms of the appropriations being carried forward, is <br /> there a limit to how many years it can be carried forward? <br /> Mr. Parker replied, So, there is not a limit to how many years it can be carried forward. But what <br /> we want to do is when the project is first (1St) approved by Council, there's a definite timeline. So <br /> EXCELLENCE ACCOUNTABILITY INNOVATION INCLUSION EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 227 W.Jefferson Bvld South Bend,Indiana 46601 p 574.235.9221 f 574.235.9173 TTD574.235.5567 <br /> 7 <br />
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