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CITY OF SOUTH BEND OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> which we will do formally at the NRC's and the City of South Bend's first annual Neighborhood <br /> Summit which is going to be held at IUSB. That will be happening on October 19, 2019. So, that <br /> is the day that we will be swearing these kids in officially and moving into the curriculum and <br /> leadership development piece of it which is going to be a lot of fun and we're really looking <br /> forward to it. The front sheet in blue is where we tried to highlight as well how this also connects <br /> to standing youth programing that the NRC offers. So, the NRC already runs a Youth <br /> Empowerment Program that is civically sort of motivated. We hope to recruit from that program <br /> as a base. It's a very neighborhood focused program so also giving them a pipeline. So, into this <br /> Youth Council and then into the Mayor's Youth Task Force which has a very specific focus in <br /> violence and has garnered some real national attentions with their advocacy efforts. So, our <br /> program is really neighborhood based and very local based with issues that you can impact as a <br /> Councilmember as this ordinance gives them the authority to be. When you get to sort of the <br /> national level with our Youth Council that's broader, but as advocates for issues that we're <br /> experiencing in out community that really are a national level policy leverage. So, we're hoping <br /> to really just create a pipeline here. This is a fun time for our City in a sense of civic engagement <br /> and following Pete. Hopefully kids in the City can really start to see themselves as public servants. <br /> That's what we're trying to encourage. <br /> Committee Chair Karen White asked, Do you want to share that each Council person will be able <br /> to make a recommendation in regards to membership on the Youth Council and that's how the <br /> Council would be involved? When the Youth Council first originated, that each Council person <br /> would make a recommendation in regard to a youth that they would like to see be a member of the <br /> Youth Council as well as work very closely with the schools. So,what you see here is three entities <br /> working together, but mission, scope and responsibilities are completely articulated in the <br /> ordinance. Most of you should have received a copy of the draft that I emailed probably about a <br /> month ago and now you have the second substitute,right? Most of the changes is changing it from <br /> Committee and making sure that the language is consistent throughout. <br /> Committee Chair White then opened the floor to questions and comments from Committee and <br /> Council Members. <br /> Committeemember Jo M. Broden stated, First of all,this is just terrific. I think it's really great. It's <br /> good to see how you are awakening this again, and then just amplifying I think for affect and for <br /> impact. I'm wondering if it would be helpful, and I don't necessarily think some of the suggestions <br /> impact the ordinance, but added a pre-application training that would actually be kind of a call to <br /> area youth and also be a signal to all of out referral entities that your have identified already to say <br /> basically, this is coming up. Here's a training you'll want to get an inside scope of how to put <br /> together a strong application. I think what would also be advantageous relative to some of our <br /> other meetings in the community is that we have strongly heard about an interest in that type of <br /> programing relative to jobs within the City of South Bend and specifically summer job <br /> opportunities. So,maybe we could hit two birds with one stone and sort of say basic pre-application <br /> and instruction education event. Then I think I love all the partnerships that we're asking to <br /> disseminate this information, but I just want to make sure that we have adequate lead up time for <br /> stuff to go to those partners, but then I think most importantly extend out through families, <br /> guardians and kind of the network of communication pieces that are within our South Bend schools <br /> or within our churches. Some of those publications and communication devices are on a weekly <br /> basis, but some of the ones that are broader and bigger are on a monthly level. So, I just want to <br /> make sure that we have adequate of enough time. <br /> EXCELLENCE ACCOUNTABILITY INNOVATION INCLUSION EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 227W Jefferson Bvld South Bend,Indiana 46601 p 574.235.9221 f 574 235 9173 I I U574.235 5567 <br /> 2 <br />