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CITY OFSOUTH BEND OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> is a proven and cost-effective solution to the needs of people with disabilities who are homeless. <br /> Unfortunately, although Oliver Apartments is touted as PSH it lacks all of the fundamental things <br /> that make PSH work. The PSH approach integrates permanent affordable rental housing with best <br /> practice community based supportive services. The caseworker the Oliver Apartments has sixty <br /> (60)clients. She cannot meet the needs of this population. Tenants can and do continue their drugs <br /> use in their apartments at which point the apartment becomes currency and shelters traded for drug <br /> and sex. Tenants assault and steal from each other and are still allowed to stay. Security is far and <br /> few between. At first, they had none, then they employed a guy that was selling drugs (witnessed <br /> it myself), and now they have a part-time police officer that tenants tell me hides in an office <br /> upstairs. They have dozens of no trespassing orders that are mostly against previous tenants, but <br /> I'm told that these people sneak into windows at night and leave before staff shows up. In <br /> conclusion and in my own words now, South Bend Heritage with great difficulty secured from <br /> State and Municipal sources a lot of money to build this second(2nd) structure. Almost 3.5 million <br /> dollars. Nobody should turn their back lightly on this kind of money but should consider this; If <br /> the 3.5-million-dollar project is built and not run properly, then all we have done is built a 3.5- <br /> million-dollar problem for future generations to contend with. <br /> Andrea Rogers of 508 Y2 W. Washington Street, in South Bend, IN stated, I and my business have <br /> been a part of the east end of the West Washington neighborhood for twenty (20) years. I am so <br /> pleased to see the efforts that the City and the various agencies are making to address the growing <br /> number of homeless in our community. This multifaceted approach that involves different types <br /> of shelter and programing is very encouraging,and I do believe that permanent supportive housing <br /> is an important part of a larger formula. At the same time, I have some very strong concerns about <br /> the proposed PSH facility in the fifteen-hundred (1500) block of West Washington Street. My <br /> neighbors talk about the problems they have with drug dealing, drug use and gun fire in that area. <br /> I see and hear it on my end of the street as well. I am very concerned about the people who prey <br /> on the homeless population, going through our neighborhood and making the existing problems <br /> worse. This has been experienced in Rum Village around the Oliver Apartments according to the <br /> neighbors. Security for the residence of this PSH complex and the surrounding neighbors is a major <br /> concern just as it's already been for the Oliver Apartments neighbors. We were told that the plan <br /> is to have someone on site for forty(40)hours per week,but no one on duty from 2 a.m. to 8 a.m. <br /> When my neighbors and I raised our concerns about this with South Bend Heritage we were told <br /> that quote, nothing bad ever happens between 2 a.m. and 8 a.m. I find this very hard to believe. <br /> We were also strongly encouraged to organize a neighborhood watch as a solution to our concerns. <br /> This is not an adequate response. Apparently, it isn't the developer's responsibility to address <br /> security issues, notifying the neighbors or addressing our concerns. It really should be the City's <br /> no matter which neighborhood these facilities are placed in. The near Westside already contains a <br /> great deal of subsidized housing. In addition to the West Washington Street PSH facility, we <br /> recently learned that one (1) of the Gemini Apartment buildings located between Colfax and <br /> Washington will be used entirely for PSH vouchers with no one on site to supervise. This means <br /> that we will have this additional PSH facility for a difficult to house population in our <br /> neighborhood. This will take place without any vote from City Council or input from neighbors. I <br /> am not opposed to PSH facilities, I just want to see them run properly and with adequate funding. <br /> If it's worth doing, it's worth doing right. I am also asking you to spread out the burden of housing <br /> for the homeless among all parts of the City not just Rum Village, the near Westside and South <br /> Michigan Street. Why is it ok to continue to concentrate this type of housing in this part of town? <br /> Thank you for your consideration and your time. <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 227 W.Jefferson Bvld South Bend,Indiana 46601 p 574.235.9221 f 574.235.9173 TTD574.235.5567 <br /> 10 <br />