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PERSONNEL AND FINANCE COMMITTEE <br />July 23, 2012 4:05 P.M. <br />Committee Members Present: Karen White, Gavin Ferlic, Dr. David Varner, Henry Davis <br />Citizen Members Present: Tammy McNally, Juliane James <br />Other Council Present: Tim Scott, Dr. Fred Ferlic, Oliver Davis, Valerie Schey, <br />Others Present: Kathy Cekanski - Farrand, Kevin Allen, Aladean DeRose, Catherine Toppel, Mike <br />Schmuhl, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, Mark Neal, Gary Gilot, Mike Mecham <br />Agenda: Bill No. 20 -12 — Whistleblower Protection <br />Bill No. 26 -12 — Salaries & Wages <br />Bill No. 30 -12 — Appropriation — Clean -Up Fund <br />Committee Chairperson Karen White opened the hearing with three bills on the agenda. The first <br />Bill No. 20 -12 would supplement the Code to afford assurance to all City Employees they would <br />not be retaliated against for reporting any wrong doing of another city employee. This bill is <br />commonly referred to as providing "whistle - blower" protection. <br />As one of the primary sponsors along with Councilmember Tim Scott; Henry Davis made a brief <br />presentation noting recent events on the police department where retaliation was reported by a <br />police officer prompted the bill. The bill itself was first drafted by Council Attorney Cekanski- <br />Farrand who said it was modeled after working with City Attorney Aladean DeRose and the city's <br />Human Resources Department, the bill was amended to its present form. Henry Davis, Tim <br />Scott, and Gavin Ferlic all thanked those involved with the revisions for their collaboration. <br />Ultimately Councilmember Gavin Ferlic motioned for a favorable recommendation to full Council. <br />Councilmember David Varner seconded and all voted to support, as amended. <br />Bill No. 26 -12 presented by the Mayor was as he described a first step toward a comprehensive <br />plan to address the problem of youth violence in the city. The Mayor billed it as a down payment <br />on a comprehensive plan. The Mayor said we cannot arrest our way out of youth violence. He <br />intends to start by creating a full -time position called the Director of Youth Engagement. It is <br />actually the enhancement of the responsibilities and commensurate pay for a position currently <br />working out of the Martin Luther King Center. <br />Many Council questions and comments followed. Valerie Schey said she understood the <br />problem of youth violence; but giving a position a 25% pay increase in light of police and fire pay <br />increased being to restricted was a problem. The Mayor responded saying it was actually cost - <br />saving in that it consolidates two positions into one. <br />Henry Davis said recent violent incidents were not perpetrated by youth, but by adults. He felt the <br />Mayor and Council needed to assess the whole youth situation and develop a comprehensive <br />plan to engage the city's youth to develop positive paths to personal development. With <br />encouragement and support so many young people need hopes and dreams can be realized and <br />violence rejected. <br />Derek Dieter, learning the newly created position would not be advertised and in fact was already <br />filled by the current MLK director, expressed concern that this person would be overloaded. <br />David Varner asked if the request was FTE neutral? Would other support positions be requested? <br />Oliver Davis focused on the need for a police chief with experience addressing youth violence. <br />