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Oliver Davis then asked Council Attorney Kathy Cekanski - Farrand to summarize points <br />in the proposed agreement. She opened by giving credit to interim City Attorney <br />Aladean DeRose for her primary role in drafting the agreement. Aladean, in turn, <br />thanked everyone for their cooperation. This enable her to draft an agreement satisfying <br />the safety concerns of several city departments while protecting the migrants. Derek <br />Dieter wanted assurance that the watch person named in the agreement would be <br />competent. Tim Scott urged the development of a fire safety plan including training and <br />fire drills. Council Attorney Kathy Cekanski - Farrand agreed to add that provision. A <br />representative of the company owning the facility expressed gratitude for the City's <br />willingness to fashion a workable agreement that keeps the facility open and safeguards <br />the residents. <br />Several City Administration officials followed with comments of their own. Mike <br />Schmuhl speaking for the Mayor said this was a good example of positive results coming <br />from working together. Cathy Toppel, Chuck Bulot, and Ann Carol -Nash all expressed <br />similar sentiments. <br />Turning to the public for comment, Mr. Davis recognized Mario Sims. Mr. Sims agreed <br />that the solution agreed upon was fine, but wondered why it had taken so long for the <br />City to get to this point. He speculated that because eviction was the first recourse, their <br />might be racial overtones in that the migrants were people of color. He said at the very <br />least, the city did not show sensitivity in this situation. He said the city should welcome <br />and respect everyone. He added that all stakeholders should be party to discussions <br />affecting the well -being of under- represented, disadvantaged groups. <br />George Lane emphasized the growers' responsibility in this situation. Any financial <br />consequences should not be borne by the City. <br />The Council Attorney suggested the need for accurate information, identification and <br />participation of all stakeholders, and the development of pro- active long -term solutions to <br />effectively address these issues. For migrant worker issues this might include Purdue <br />Extension, Farm Bureau, and the Institute for Latino Studies and of Social Concerns. <br />Councilmember Henry Davis, Jr., said the focus of concern for the rights and welfare of <br />the migrant workers should be expanded to all people. He said the administration was <br />deficient in making the quality of life issues for all people a priority. The issue was the <br />lack of proper enforcement of city codes already on the books. <br />Gregorio Chavez and Jesusa Rodriguez both spoke to the need to look beyond South <br />Bend's borders to the County and the State. <br />Oliver offered summary comments and then accepted a motion from Councilmember <br />Karen White to register a favorable recommendation of the agreement. Tim Scott <br />seconded and all affirmed. <br />